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Chapter 18
                                                        The Death

Me and Obi Wan watched as Padme was placed down on the large bed inside the medical chamber. "Medically, she is okay, but for some apparent reason, it seems we are loosing her." The medical droid stated.

I sighed shakily and put my face in my hands. I felt Obi Wan's hand on my back, as he looked the droid in the eyes. "She's dying?" Obi Wan asked.

"We don't know why." The robotic voice said. "She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies."

"Babies?" Senator Organa asked instantly. "She is carrying twins." I said to him. He looked over at me confused.

Obi Wan left my side and slowly walked over to the glass wall in between us and Padme. He looked at her, and sighed. He leaned one hand against the wall, and the other to stroke his beard.

I was allowed in the room with Padme, while she gave birth. She cried like I've never heard before. Obi Wan smiled at me, once the first baby was born.

The droid placed the baby in my arms. "My godchild." I mumbled with a smile. Obi Wan shot up to look at me. "Your the- godmother?" He asked.

I nodded and looked down at the little boy. "Luke.." Padme murmured. I smiled and put the boy in Obi Wan's arms.

Padme began crying once again, this time even louder. The droid then picked up the second baby. A girl. The droid placed her in my arms.

"It's a girl." Obi Wan said with a smile.

"Y/n.. you name her." Padme said with a smile. "You deserve too." She said once again. I smiled and looked down at the girl.

"I like the name.. Leia." I named as I rubbed the babies head. Obi Wan stood there, and stared at me comforting the baby. He felt his body want to be closer to mine, like when we hugged, or held hands. He hated that he liked it.

Padme smiled softly, then began breathing heavily. Her expression dropped, and she out her hand on her chest.

"I know.. there's good in him. I know- there is still..." She cut off at the end. She closed her eyes, her chest stopped beating with every breath.

I chocked up, I held the baby close and let my emotions out. Tears rolled down my face, my expression grew sad. Obi Wan sighed and looked down at her lifeless body.

I whipped away my tears, and fixed the baby in my arms. I looked back at Yoda, whose head was down.


I sat in a chair next to Obi Wan, my eyes set on Master Yoda, who was thinking intently. "Hidden, safe the children must be kept." He said.

"We must take them somewhere the sith can not sense there presence." Obi Wan added. The two men nodded.

"Split up, they should be." Yoda recommended. We all nodded.

"My wife and I shall take the girl, we have always talked about adopting a baby girl." He said with a small smile. "She will be loved with us."

"And what of the boy?" I asked.

"To Tatooine, to his family take him." Yoda said turning towards Obi Wan.

"I will take the child and watch over him." Obi Wan said looking over at you. I turned away from
his eyes, and looked towards the two others.

"I will go to Kashyyk, I've always been fond of the Wookiee." I said with a grin. Obi Wan looked down at his lap, then back up at me and weakly smiled.

"Until the time is right, disappear we will." Master Yoda said as we all got up. Senator Organa left the room, then Master Yoda. I turned towards Obi Wan.

"What's wrong? You looked quite said when I said I was going to Kashyyk?" I said as I stood closer to him. He looked embarrassed, then rested his face.

"I wanted to- well I'm just sad to leave you. Since were such good friends and all." He said sadly. I sighed and enveloped him in a hug. He sighed as well, and hugged me back.

I was going to miss this.


"I'm going to miss you." I said to Obi Wan before I boarded my speeder. He sighed and nodded. "Me as well."

We stared into each others eyes, my hands hoping that he'll grab them, or my back hoping he'll hug me. He looked down at his feet before he put his hands on my cheeks. "Before we go.. there's something I want to do." He said as he leaned in.

His lips pressed against mine shortly. I gave up trying to stop myself, because I couldn't. My lips moved against his, but then I released reluctantly.

He smiled at me softly, with that familiar gleam in his eyes.

"I'll see you some day Obi Wan.."

"Of course.. love." He said before entering into his speeder, and I entered into mine. Obi Wan knew it was a bad decision to kiss you, but who knows if he'll see you again.

I mean he won't.. right?

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