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Chapter 23
The Memory

I couldn't help but stay next to Obi Wan all night. No words needed to be said, we were thinking the same thing.

We missed Anakin. We missed his smile, his pathetic jokes, his kindness. We missed everything about him.

The thought of him dead brought my mind to ease, knowing he was in no pain, watching over his children, but no.

"How..?" Obi Wan muttered rubbing his hands over his face. I sighed and looked at my hands.

"Palpatine.. probably." I said grimly. He nodded and turned to me. He stood up, and walked across the room to a small window that showed the galaxy.

I got up and stood beside him. "Do you think he knows about Leia? And Luke?" I asked. Obi Wan shook his head.

"No.. we would have been dead by now." He muttered. "She would have been dead by now." He said looking at Leia sleeping in the other room wrapped in Obi Wan's robe.

I smiled at the sight of her, then turned back to Obi Wan. "Even though he's out there.. we still have you Obi Wan." I said with a smile. "I believe in you." I said leaning in a hugging him.

Hugging him, it brought back memories. Good and bad memories, like when we hugged on Camino- well I hugged him. But unlike on Camino, he hugged me back.

It was a warm hug, my body instantly at ease. Like his body was a teddy bear, pushing away all bad emotions. Little did I know he felt the same.

I released from the hug, and looked into his blue eyes. They weren't as bright as usual, but he still had a small smile on his face.

I leaned in, and kissed his cheek. His skin was soft, but cold. His body tensed, then relaxed once I released.

"I better go to sleep.." I said shortly. He nodded. "Right, of course." He responded quickly.

"Goodnight.. Obi Wan." I said with a smile.

"Goodnight Y/n." He said returning my smile.


Our transport landed with a thud on the new planet. I gripped onto a box for support, and placed by other hand on Leia keeping her steady.

We escaped through an exit in the back, and quickly scurried around the ship. Obi Wan eyed the large droid who was unloading the cargo.

"Quickly." Obi Wan muttered as we ran past the back turned droid. We ran down a dusty hill, and past all the wasted cargo loads.

We began walking on a dusty- desert road. I kept my eyes wandering, who knows what terrible creatures are on this planet.

"What is this planet called?" Leia asked as she spotted a tall building blowing out smoke in the hills.

"Mapuzo, it's a mining system." Obi Wan replied while shirking his eyes towards the suns. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small disc.

"Coordinates say the meeting point is further north. That is if our new friend is telling the truth." He said grimly.

I chuckled. Obi Wan turned his head towards me confused. "What happened to the old Jedi, who beloved everyone was good, and everyone deserved a chance?" I said turning my head with a smirk.

"Why would he even lie?" Leia asked.

"Well, not all people are good. I learned that." He replied glaring at the two of us. Obi Wans eyes then left us, and roamed around the land.

"It wasn't always like this." He said sadly. "There were field and families." I frowned. Obi Wan, Anakin and Ashoka visited Mapuzo back in the Clone Wars for a mission.

It pained me to see Obi Wan like this. He wasn't cheerful, and witty like he used to be. Now, he was just sad and grim.

I pray by the end of this journey, I can make him happier, and joyful.

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