'Thanksgiving' Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Theres something I need to tell you about Marley." Santana said following me down the hall I nodded asking her to go on. "She has an eating disorder, a-and it was Kitty, the blonde who pressured her into purging, thats why she skips on lunch."

Santana put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Maybe you could help her? you don't have to help but I know you and I know you're not going to leave this to a professional."

"I do love helping people." I said softly.

"I know you do which is why i think you'll be great at this." She smiled at me with eyes i hadn't seen that week we snitched on Shuester for being a shit Spanish teacher.

"What?" I asked.

She shook her head. "huh?"

"Why are you looking at me like that..?"

"Like what?" She asked trying to hide her face. "I actually forgot i told Sam i'd help him with his Spanish test. I should go."

"Santana wait-" I couldn't catch her before she left but once she did, Marley came in with a tray of food. It wasn't full but it had some food.

"Hey." She said lowly. She set her tray down at the piano.

I held my hand out. "Isabella Anderson."

She took my hand weakly and shook it. "Marley Rose." She paused. "I've heard a lot about you. None of them shut up about you. I think that's why Athena quit."

"Wait she what?" I asked opening my lunch bag.

"Yeah she quit a couple days ago. Couldn't handle it I guess. Ryder told me."

I looked at her confused "Who?"

"How many of us new kids have you met yet?" She asked.

I shook my head taking a bite of my sandwich. "None. I know your name and Jakes and Kittys. By the way is that her real name?"

"Katherine." She said staring at her food. "Why me?"


"Why'd you pick me first?"

I shrugged, "You compel me Marley Rose. Remind me of me."

"In what ways?" Full of questions she is.

I looked up at her sitting back in a chair. "The hair, the fantastic singing, or so i hear, and the fact that i can read you so easy. That you're silently screaming and begging for help but won't say anything till you're at your lowest ready to give it all up. It'll take you losing everything for you to want anything."

She looked at me sadly but with a fire in her eyes. An anger I don't think she's felt before. "You're mad?"

She nodded. "How could I not be?" She said softly. "You're right and I hate that you are. I don't even know you."

"I want to be your best friend Marley. Let me tell you my story and you tell me yours okay? We can even have a secret handshake." I smiled making her smile.

"Okay." She sniffled with a smile.

"Outstanding." I said. "Now eat something before i go over there and eat those tots."


"Look what the gel haired, helmet headed, boy dragged in..." Sue said taking off her glasses to get a better look at me.

I entered the room and said, "Hi Sue."

"You know what i've always liked about you?" I rose my eyebrows looking for her to finish that. "I don't totally hate when you visit. Im utterly repulsed when I see that bald headed scarf wearing Noah Puckerman around but you I can tolerate."

Lady Warbler ~ Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now