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"H-Hyung.... Hyung, please..." Chan woke up to Jeongin tugging on his sleeve. The maknae had tears streaming down his face and seeing this, Chan was suddenly wide awake. "Ssh, I got you, pup. Hyung's got you", the leader cooed, "What's wrong, hm?" Choking on a sob, Jeongin whimpered: "H-Hurts." The older felt his heart break and helped Jeongin shuffle out of Changbin's arms. The rapper had long since fallen asleep like the rest of the pack, all of them falling prey to the warmth and dozing off. If only Jeongin's cramps hadn't returned with a vengeance. He had woken up not too long ago and tried to just breathe through the pain but it was impossible. "Do you feel sick too or just cramps?", Chan asked softly as his dongsaeng curled up in his arms. The younger shrugged. Nothing felt right about his stomach but he didn't know if he needed to be sick. Lightly sniffing Chan, Jeongin breathed: "Cramps an' – fuck ow! – And tummy's- tummy's icky overall." The boy gasped in pain, his grip on the leader's arm tightening. More tears spilled down his cheeks and Chan was surprised that none of the other members had woken up by now.

When the cramp let up for a moment, Jeongin panted and weakly melted into Chan's embrace. "Do you want me to rub your tummy or would touching it make it worse?", the Aussie offered quietly. Instead of a verbal reply, Jeongin took his hand and guided it under his shirt. Afraid of hurting his pup more, Chan lightly drew circles with his palm, his hand only grazing the younger's skin at first. The maknae sniffled tiredly, burying his face in Chan's chest as the leader gradually increased the pressure, making sure the other was still comfortable with it. Jeongin's stomach gave an audible growl before the boy tensed up, biting the cuff of his sleeve in an attempt to stay quiet. Gently tracing his hand over Jeongin's tight middle, Chan whispered: "You're okay, Innie. Try to breathe, hm?" The younger desperately shook his head. He couldn't. It just hurt so bad, he couldn't do anything but try not to cry out loudly. "I know, pup", Chan cooed, pressing a light kiss to the crown of his dongsaeng's head, "I know it hurts but you're doing great. Just hang in there." He kept tracing circles on Jeongin's tummy and simultaneously rubbed his cheek against the other's hair, lightly scenting him for comfort.

"Hyung, I- I don't feel good", Jeongin sniffled after about ten minutes. The cramps were slowly fading but they had wracked havoc on his poor stomach. His mouth was starting to water as the nausea grew. Brushing the younger's bangs out of his face, Chan hummed: "Want the bucket?" Jeongin contemplated it for a moment but his friends were finally sleeping too after taking care of him and Chan and he didn't want to wake them. "Bathroom?", he requested, though he wasn't entirely sure how he'd get there. Looking at the younger in surprise, Chan asked: "Do you think you can stand?" Jeongin gave a tentative nod, so the leader shifted him out of his arms and they both got to their feet. Clambering out of the nest, Jeongin almost knocked himself over but Chan was surprisingly steady on his feet and caught him. It seemed the adrenalin of watching his pup hurt was enough to help him function. Hunching over, Jeongin hugged his sore middle, while Chan linked their arms and slowly guided him to the bathroom. The maknae weakly sank to his knees on the rug and slipped his hand under his shirt to palm at his tummy. His throat still felt odd, like he was close to gagging but it didn't seem to happen soon.

Chan gave Jeongin's back a short rub before grabbing a washcloth and running it under cool water. He gently brushed the younger's hair back with his fingers and dabbed the cool cloth against the boy's forehead, cleaning away the sweat. "Close your eyes for me, pup", Chan instructed quietly before wiping away Jeongin's tears. The younger gave a tired sniffle as he curled up against the bathtub, drawing his legs up to his chest and resting his chin on his knees. Folding the washcloth, Chan draped it across the maknae's neck and whispered: "Do you want hyung to get you some water? Maybe we can settle your stomach if you have a few sips?" Jeongin shook his head the tiniest bit. He didn't want water. He didn't want anything other than for all of this to stop.

Grumpy Alphas need lots of love✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें