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Chan dazedly lifted his head when he heard his bedroom door open. He had always been a light sleeper but he recognized the scent and knew there was no threat, so he just dropped his head back onto the pillow as Changbin approached him. "Good morning, hyung", the rapper hummed as he took a seat on the edge of Chan's bed, "Though, today isn't really a good morning, is it?" Keeping his eyes closed, the leader tiredly shook his head and held back a wave of fresh tears. The room was still pretty dim, so Changbin couldn't see the alpha's face properly but from his behavior, he could tell the older was exhausted. Laying down alongside Chan, the rapper rested his forehead against the other's shoulder and asked: "What's wrong, hyung? You smell really angry and I know you're not someone to get angry easily."

Not wanting to start crying again, Chan took a shuddering breath. He was grateful that Changbin had laid down with him, not liking it when others looked down on him when he was already feeling helpless. "Are you okay? You feel pretty warm to me", the omega hummed softly, when it didn't seem like his hyung would say anything any time soon. Pulling away from Chan's arm, Changbin reached up to feel the leader's cheek instead. It wasn't only damp with tears but also feverish. Gently drying the tears with the cuff of his sleeve, the rapper guessed: "You're sick, aren't you?" Chan nodded defeatedly. "I wanted to spend our day off finally having some quality time with the pack", the alpha rasped, his voice barely above a whisper, "Now I can't because if I do, everyone else will catch it too." Comfortably laying back down, Changbin didn't seem all too concerned about that and only asked: "Let's work with what we've got for now. How long have you felt sick?" – "Had a bit of a headache yesterday but last night it really hit me like a train", Chan groaned, covering his face with his arm, successfully hiding the fresh tears of frustration. Changbin could tell though and calmly hugged the alpha's waist, whispering: "You think it might be the flu?" Painfully clearing his throat, the older nodded and weakly sat up to cough.

"Should we go to the living room? You can lay down on the couch and maybe we can watch some movies with the others", Changbin offered, handing the other his water bottle. After forcing down a few sips, Chan frowned: "I really don't wanna get anyone sick *sniff* besides, I'm no fun right now.""Hyung, you're always with us, no matter how little fun we might be. Do you really think we only appreciate you when you're fun and upbeat?", the omega sighed, "We care about you and if you're afraid about contagion, we can keep the skinship to a minimum but we missed spending time with you. Outside of work I mean and you don't deserve to be lonely, while already being sick. I highly doubt any of us would complain about having a quiet day and we can take things as slow as we need to, hm?" The only response he got was a hoarse sob, that Chan had desperately tried to muffle against the sleeve of his hoodie. The alpha had so desperately tried to stay somewhat put together but his mate's words had struck his heart making his already cracking façade crumble completely. Changbin didn't mind though, comfortingly rubbing his hyung's back. He knew how strong Chan always had to be for them. The alpha deserved a break from being strong too and the rapper wouldn't dare judge him for having his weak moments.

"Lixxie is here by the way", Changbin smiled, "He got worried that you might be upset when Hyunjin told him you smelled scary." – "I-I smell scary?", Chan stammered worriedly. He couldn't imagine having made his dongsaengs feel afraid of him. "Not necessarily scary...", the omega said slowly, searching for the right words, "A teeny-tiny bit intimidating maybe. Like a grumpy alpha.... Come on, let's show them you're not angry." Though Chan was still hesitant, he let Changbin pull him out of bed. Swaying for a moment, the leader clung to his friend's broad shoulders as the younger steadied him, cooing: "We can take it as slow as you need, yeah? You tell me when you feel ready to move." After Chan took a few deep breaths, the dark spots faded and he gave a tentative nod, linking his arm with Changbin's. It took them a while to make the short walk from the alpha's bedroom to the living room but they were in no rush.

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