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Gritting his teeth, Jeongin made his way to the kitchen to grab a bite for breakfast. He was faintly aware that his mates wanted to have breakfast together but he wasn't in the mood and even considered heading back over to his own dorm. By now, the alpha regretted sleeping in the nest with the rest of the group, something he usually loved doing but considering the nest had been built on the living room carpet, it was a bit harder than expected, leaving his muscles stiff and sore. The nests his hyungs built on their beds were so much comfier but to be fair, they were never spacious enough to fit that many members. Seungmin found the youngest searching the kitchen for food and offered him some friend eggs, reminding him that they'd all be ready to eat soon. Brushing the beta off, Jeongin found a bottle of banana milk and grabbed an apple. He was surprised when Jisung stood in front of him pouting: "You don't wanna eat with us, Innie?" The maknae shook his head, wanting to walk off but Jisung blocked his path. "No, hyung", the alpha growled, "No, I do not want to eat with you." Frozen in shock, the rapper didn't put up any fight as Jeongin pushed past him, biting into the apple even though he wasn't really hungry.

"It's okay, hyung", Changbin promised, helping Chan settle on his bed and stroking the pack-alpha's back, "Innie didn't mean to be that harsh. He just woke up in a bit of a mood today and has been cranky ever since." The older nodded in acknowledgement, wiping his eyes on his sleeve but the tears still kept falling. He shouldn't have been so surprised, knowing that Jeongin hadn't gotten a good night's sleep but his reaction had been so uncalled for. Was that also why Felix smelled so upset? Sniffling back another flood of tears, Chan rasped: "What about Lixxie? He didn't smell right." – "Innie vented his frustration at him the second he woke up", Changbin sighed, "I don't think moving him while he was asleep was a good idea to be honest. Jeonginnie let his guard down around you and expected to also wake up with you. Waking up in someone else's arms must have been a shock. I'm pretty sure he's just a bit rattled by the experience and the lack of good sleep makes it worse. He'll come around eventually." The leader nodded sadly. "Minho is with Felix, who is probably just as shaken because he had expected a calm morning with lots of cuddles, not being growled at this early in the day and especially not by Innie. Baby-bread doesn't act like that with Felix", the rapper continued, "Don't worry though, Minho and I have it handled. We can deal with a grumpy pup and once the others accept that it's nothing personal, they'll be a lot calmer too."

Once Jeongin had finished his apple, he reached into his pocket, grabbing the painkiller he had snuck from the kitchen counter. He hated his tendency to get headaches whenever he ran on too little sleep and though he had technically slept rather long, it wasn't a good rest. The ensuing headache was the only reason he had gotten himself any food at all, not wanting to upset his stomach by taking something without at least a snack in his tummy. Rinsing the pill down with a large sip of his banana milk, Jeongin snuck a hand under his t-shirt and rubbed his rumbling tummy. He regretted eating that apple because it wasn't like there was still much harm he could've done by taking the pill on an empty stomach. The organ already churned angrily after he had listened to Chan being sick, shuddering at the memory as the sound replayed over and over in his head.

Maybe going back to his own dorm would be for the best, at least till the pill took effect. He doubted he'd be able to keep it down if he had to listen to Chan throwing up again and he really needed it to stay down, otherwise his mates' chattering would drive him up the walls. That was the thing, Jeongin never dealt well with headaches, despite having them pretty frequently, always getting more sensitive to noise and a little cranky in general. He could still smell how hurt Felix felt and his heart did ache a little for the omega, already regretting how harsh he had been. Maybe he should just lay down at the other dorm for a while, maybe get some more sleep and return once the risk of him snapping at the others was a little lower.

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