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After two more movies, the group had gone to sleep in the big nest in the living room. As much as Chan yearned to join his pack, he had opted to sleep on the couch. For one, it didn't feel right to sleep in one large pile with his dongsaengs while being sick, though he had already been quite careless as the day had progressed, and two, the alpha may have been able to keep his dinner down but that didn't mean that he wasn't queasy and it would be better to have an easy escape route to the bathroom, should he need it. They had pushed the couch closer to the nest, so Chan had his arm dangling off the couch and Felix slept half sitting up against the couch, hugging his hyung's arm. The other members lay piled on top of each other, limbs tangled. Glancing at the nest in darkness, Chan couldn't even tell where one of his mates ended and another began.

He had been watching the nest for close to an hour already, struggling to sleep after napping for most of the day. Plus, the leader had developed an annoying cough, that he fought to suppress, so he wouldn't keep the others up. At some point, Chan had staggered to the kitchen to take some of that cough syrup, Minho had brought from their dorm. His eyes watered as he squinted at the label and tried to figure out the right dosage. Sniffling, the Aussie scrubbed at his face and tried again. He didn't even notice someone sneaking up on him.

Minho had woken up not long ago and heard his hyung rummaging around in the kitchen. When the oldest didn't return after a while, Minho detangled himself from the cuddlepile, careful not to wake any of the others, and went to check on their leader. Chan startled when the dancer rested a hand on his back, relaxing when he realized who was there with him. "Was jus' gonna take some medicine", Chan rasped before clearing his throat, "'s kinda blurry, d'you know how much I gotta take?" – "Hang on", Minho hummed, taking the bottle from his hyung. He read over the label before pouring some into the measuring cup and handing it to Chan. The older thanked him quietly before knocking it back, grimacing at the taste. They made their way back to the living room, where Minho hugged Chan good night before laying back down next to Jisung, the rapper sleepily snuggling up to him. Chan plopped down on the couch massaging his temples before laying back down. As soon as he hung his arm over the edge of the couch, Felix reattached himself to the alpha's arm. It was truly impressive how the boy's instincts could sense Chan's presence while deeply asleep.

Though Chan didn't really manage to fall asleep, he allowed himself to drift, embracing the floaty feeling, the sleepy haze that dulled his discomfort a little. He was only brought back to focus, when he heard a frustrated whine coming from the nest. There was some shuffling but he couldn't see who was awake. It took another grumpy huff for Chan to recognize the boy by his sounds. It seemed that Jeongin was trying to get up but was stuck under the limbs of the other pack members. Chan quickly got to his feet, approaching the side of the nest. Crouching next to the younger, Chan brushed the maknae's bangs out of his face. He cringed at the way the hair stuck to his dongsaeng's sweaty forehead and cooed: "You trapped, pup?" – "No shit, Sherlock", Jeongin huffed, again trying to free himself, "Some help maybe?" Though stunned by the younger's reply, Chan rushed to help detangle Jeongin's limbs and shift Hyunjin off of the boy's legs. No sooner than he was free did Jeongin clamber out of the nest, stumbling once he was on his feet. His legs tingled from the blood returning to them and the shift caused his head to spin, so the maknae sat down on the carpet a few steps away from the nest.

Worried, Chan crouched next to him, rasping: "You okay?" – "Too hot", Jeongin panted, fanning himself with his hands. While his dongsaeng sprawled out on the floor, trying to cool off, Chan went to the kitchen to fetch the younger a glass of cool water. Taking a seat next to Jeongin, the leader gently nudged his arm and cooed when the boy hazily blinked up at him. "Have some water, pup", Chan instructed, waiting for Jeongin to sit up. When he did, the maknae gratefully accepted the drink and muttered: "Sorry, just got overheated for a moment." – "Mhm, I can imagine. You look all sweaty", Chan smiled sympathetically, watching his dongsaeng chug the water in one go. When Jeongin was confident he could stand without losing his balance, he hummed: "I am all sweaty. Is it okay if I use your shower?" – "Yeah, of course", the leader encouraged, "Go ahead, try to cool off a little." – "Um, hyung... My clothes", Jeongin muttered, not really feeling like going over to his own dorm to collect a change of clothes. Chan seemed to realize that too, chuckling: "You know where my closet is, just help yourself." The younger's face brightened at that and he hurriedly thanked the other before getting to his feet.

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