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Once again a day early, I'm sorry... Needed to take my mind off of things.

Jeongin's head had been pounding from the strain of simply being on his feet and Minho's presence felt like a threat, the older alpha way too close for comfort. With Changbin disappointed in him too, the maknae saw no other option than to flee to the safety of his own room, even if that meant that he'd have to go to the other dorm. His vision swam and he had to brace himself against the wall as he struggled to remain on his feet, staggering down the hallway. Jeongin had almost made it to the front door and bent down to put on his shoes, when his vision darkened and his legs gave out.

Changbin spun around instantly, cursing under his breath when he saw Jeongin's crumpled form by the door. He should've known, deep inside he had known. Something had to be seriously wrong for the maknae to act the way that he had. Having heard the thud and Changbin's curse, Minho too rushed from the kitchen. Kneeling next to his dongsaeng, Changbin announced: "Hyung, he's burning up." – "Probably caught the same thing as Chan", the dancer frowned, "Should've know something was up. He wasn't acting like himself at all." Crouching next to Jeongin, Minho shook the boy's arm and called: "Innie? You hear me?"

It took a moment but Jeongin eventually stirred. His vision was still dark, his ears ringing as he couldn't tell up from down. Everything seemed to spin, making his stomach turn. "Ssh, stay down, pup. You just fainted", Changbin shushed when the younger whimpered, keeping a steady hand on the boy's shoulder. His words fell on deaf ears though as Jeongin struggled against his hand, his heart racing. Minho soothingly cupped the maknae's flushed cheek, promising him that everything would be fine and that he just needed to take it easy for now. With his head pounding, Jeongin kept fighting his hyungs, sitting up in a panic as his stomach lurched. His hand shot to his lips and Minho was quick to wrap his arm around the younger's shoulders, so he wouldn't collapse back onto the floor. Gasping as sick spilled out between Jeongin's fingers, Changbin rushed to help his hyung prop the boy up. "It's okay, pup", Minho promised, his voice soft, "You're okay." Tears dripped from Jeongin's lashes as he choked up his meager breakfast, struggling to remain upright as the floor seemed to move underneath him. He relied heavily on his mates' support to keep him from slumping over.

Patting Jeongin's back as the boy coughed, Changbin cooed: "It's okay, Innie. We got you. Hyungs got you. Just breathe for now." The youngest's chest hitched with a sob as he slumped into Minho's side. "I-I'm sor-sorry", Jeongin sobbed, slurring his speech the slightest bit, "I-I don' feel good." – "We know, pup. It's okay", Minho promised quietly, brushing the boy's sweaty bangs out of his face. Changbin kept rubbing his back to help him calm down. If he worked himself up, he might make himself sick again. They waited for Jeongin to catch his breath before Minho asked: "Let's get you cleaned up, hm? Do you feel like you're done for now?" Giving the tiniest of nods, the maknae looked at Minho, his eyes glossy with fever. "Do you think you can stand if we help you up?", the dancer worried. Unsurprisingly, Jeongin shook his head. His legs felt like jelly and his head still spun. "That's okay", Changbin comforted when he saw the younger's bottom lip quiver, "I'll carry you to the bathroom and we will run you a nice warm bath."

With Minho's help, Changbin scooped the maknae up. Jeongin whimpered at being moved as his body ached and stomach rolled. He doubted he could throw up again, barely having had anything in his tummy to begin with, but the discomfort was still there and the back of his throat felt funny. Changbin was as careful as he could possibly be, his movements slow and controlled as to not cause his dongsaeng anymore pain. Cradling his soiled hand close to his body, Jeongin weakly clutched the rapper's shoulder with the other, afraid of falling despite knowing his hyung would never drop him. His fever-muddled brain couldn't comprehend why Changbin was there. Why he'd help him when Jeongin hadn't been anything other than mean today. Hell, he had even made Lixxie cry, so for any member to be talking to him at all was confusing. "Can you lift your arms for me? Let's get that dirty shirt off of you", the rapper hummed when he had settled the young alpha on the bathroom rug. Though his muscles burned, Jeongin tried his hardest to comply, muttering apology after apology to the point where his words blurred together.

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