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"Let's go and see if he's awake", Hyunjin cooed, carrying Jeongin out of the bathroom and down the hallway to their leader's room. The maknae carefully opened the door as to not wake Chan should he be asleep. The oldest of course wasn't asleep. The thought of him sleeping while knowing one of his dongsaengs wasn't well was ridiculous. Naturally, he'd lay awake thinking, worrying. Seeing this, he was quick to sit up when he spotted Jeongin in Hyunjin's arms and patted the spot next to him as an invitation. This was all Hyunjin needed to settle the maknae next to Chan. "Aww, my poor pup", Chan rasped, opening his arms for Jeongin, who instantly snuggled up against the Aussie's side, "I'm sorry, I got you sick too, Innie." The youngest tiredly shook his head, arguing: "Don't think it would've worked that quick. We probably caught it from the same person." At least, that was what Jeongin would insist on, knowing his hyung would feel so much worse watching him suffer if he believed it had been his fault. "Can we cuddle, hyung?", the maknae asked quietly, almost ashamed by requesting it but he craved some affection right now.

While Chan cuddled Jeongin, slowly easing the younger into a light slumber, Hyunjin joined the rest of the group. Seungmin had just returned, so him and Hyunjin sorted through his shopping bags, restocking the kitchen cabinets with light snacks and laying out medicine for later. Thanks to Felix, Changbin was a lot more at ease and when Jisung had finished fixing their nest, they had even managed to make their hyung laugh again. Once the rapper had finished making the tea, Minho poured two cups and went to Chan's room. Quietly cracking the door open, the dancer discovered that Jeongin lay still in Chan's arms, so he snuck in quietly and placed the cups onto the nightstand. Shooting his mate a grateful smile, Chan mouthed: 'Thanks.' Then the leader turned his focus back on Jeongin's damp hair, smoothly running his fingers through it. He had missed holding his pup and though they had cuddled a bit last night, it had been rather cramped on the living room couch. Sometimes, Chan wondered what had become of the sweet boy they had gotten to know pre-debut. Ever since Jeongin had presented as an alpha, he had been feisty and savage, challenging boundaries and teasing his hyungs. Maybe Seungmin was a bad influence, the vocalist as savage as ever, raising their youngest to grow up just like himself. Was that a bad thing though? Chan surely didn't think so, he loved all of his dongsaengs with all their funny little quirks.

One of Jeongin's quirks was kneading. It always helped him calm down, which was why he had small squishy keychains attached to all of his bags and a few different stress balls on his bedside table for when he felt too anxious to sleep. The boy didn't think his group was aware of the full extend of his habit though. When Jeongin slept, he often ended up kneading his pillows or blankets. It was embarrassing because he was a full-grown adult but acted like a pup. His group didn't think so. They of course knew how important it was for their youngest to self-soothe, recalling all the times he had dozed off in a waiting room before performances, still kneading his keychain even in his sleep. That was why Chan internally cooed when he noticed Jeongin's hand twitch in his sleep. Bunching up the corner of his blanket, Chan gently slipped it into the maknae's hand. The boy made a soft noise in his sleep, squeezing the fabric before cuddling even closer to his hyung. 'Adorable', was all the leader could think, tracing shapes on the younger's back. It had been way too long since the two of them had had some quality time and even though the circumstances were rough, Chan at least got to hold his pup again.

Chan himself had gotten close to drifting off again, when Jeongin stiffened in his arms, startling the leader. Glancing down at the boy, the leader found tears streaming down his dongsaeng's face. He thought the boy might have a nightmare and shushed him softly. Jeongin's face contorted in pain, his knuckles turning white where he clutched the blanket as his breathing grew increasingly labored before cutting off. Oh no, not the cramps! "You're okay, Innie. Try to breathe through it", Chan whispered, lightly dabbing the tears away with his sleeve. Tensing up even more, Jeongin shook his head in desperation and gasped: "'t hurts s-so bad!" A sob tore from his throat and Chan's hand went up to gently knead the overly tense muscles at the back of his dongsaeng's neck. "I know, pup. Hyung knows", he cooed, his heart aching, "Deep and steady breaths, so your muscles can relax. It won't get better if you hold your breath, baby."

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