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It was a week since Seungmin had died, his postmortem reports had nothing suspicious and as always no clue except for 143 drawn either with blood or cut deep with a dagger on the victims heart. He groaned he had to find the man, how did they know it was a man? One of the victims had said the last second before she had died. Everyone was working as hard as they can and they were getting no where with the case.

As he was going through the stack of papers in the basement he happened to come across a nameless file. It had the faint smell of rich perfume and the messy writing of Case 143. Minho's eyes literally grew big as saucers, they had a file that said Case 143? Frowning he took it with him to his personal cabin and locked his door as he started going through the dusty pages. His frown deepened, the picture was scratched off, the name on the paper had been torn as if the killer had visited this place not long ago.

"Age 8, sentenced to an year of juvenile detention for attempting murder.

- Was pardoned and freed at Age 9.

- Reportedly rumoured to have murdered his own brother.

- Believed to have last spotted in the suburbs of Seoul.

- Case closed permanently. Reason - The said detective was hacked to death without a trace. His body was found dumped in a trash can not far from his own home.

Case closed

Minho flipped the pages to see Lee Taeyong written on the detectives name. He remembered that gruesome story, he was in highschool when the case set fire across the country. Who was this man? Why was he on a killing spree? Was their a reason? He didn't know.

Meanwhile Felix heard those steps he knew too well, he started shaking when he saw who stood at the door of his hospital room. He tried his hardest to press the button to call someone, anyone. Tears slipped down the edges of his pretty eyes, fear and dread filled them like a dark swirl of hell.

"Awwe don't cry. I know you miss me." The man chuckled pushing the button away from Felix's reach. Poor Felix wasn't able to speak thanks to this awful vicious boy. He saw him too well, his heart aching.

"Now now stop shaking so much. I know you must be mad at me for killing your little Minnie boy but...........I wanted some fun." The cold finger tip traced Felix's scar that ran along his neck. Making him turn as pale as chalk, he started screaming making the serial killer giggle.

"Pathetic fool. I cut your vocal codes as deep as I can so you'll never speak again. I was wondering if I should start with Jeong-in first or Jisung?" He started laughing as his arm grabbed the boys neck as tightly as can, But let it go. That wasn't fun for him. He loved blood more than anything. "I don't use the same axe to hack another. But I'm tempted to kill you, you've lived too long already." He smirked as if he was possessed by the devil himself.

He aimed for Felix's neck, the younger boy breathing heavily but before the man can bring his axe down the blonde beauty rolled off falling down the bed. The crashing sound alarmed the nurses and doctors as they came running, too bad that the man had disappeared before Hyunjin can even pull out his gun.

"I'm taking him home. This place is dangerous. I can loose him." Hyunjin was certain. If he left Felix any longer here he'd come to him dead one day.

So he took his lover home, he knew it'll affect his job but it was safer than the hospital. Atleast his mother was at home so nothing would happen and he's ask a cop to safe guard his house. Back at the office Minho grabbed his files so he can go home before it was dark. Just to be safe and not sorry. He saw Nayeon at her medical department and waved at her. She waved back with a soft smile.

"Hey can you drop Haechan at Marks?  He called saying his car had flat tir-" Both their eyes met as fear drop like a heavy weight on their hearts.

"Inform my team and Mark! Hurry!" Minho ordered his sister as he ran out the glass doors of his office. He immediately took off on his SUV as Chan lead the men in Minho's team behind.

"Come on pick up!!" Minho screamed at his phone. Haechan was his baby brother, he was an year older than the twins. He drove like a mad man to where his brother was at.

"H-Hyung............I'm at the subway station." Haechan panted, he was obviously running. Minho informed the rest of the troop on the walkie-talkie.

The Seriel Killer giggled, this was exciting, he was jubilant at all the adrenaline pumping through these foolish cops. He saw Minho rush to the stupid looking teddy bear like terrified boy. Everyone let out the breaths they were holding thinking everything was over.

"Markie!" Haechan hugged Mark who scooped his chubby frame off the ground and hugged him as if he had lost him.

"Hmmm I don't wanna kill anymore. I'm hungry. I wonder What's special in that old ladies shop." He dragged his axe behind him, he was disappointed today. He hadn't had a change to kill anyone which enraged him.

Now why did he kill? He tapped his chin, he shrugged. No apparent reason but except he did for fun. He liked being searched for, he liked running away from the foolish cops.
The fun start off ended up in a Physcotic pleasurable obsession. Nothing much if you asked him though. In his opinion he was being generous by letting Felix live.

"I want to kill him though." He slammed his forehead on the table, his axe beside him like a faithful lifeless dog, he loved.

The Division [Minsung]❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang