Part 2, Finale 50: Three months later

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"Daisy, come on!" Robin shouted, poking her head inside the arcade.

"One minute!" I found my stamp card, clocked out of my shift, and ran into the manager's office.

Kieth looked up from his endless bag of Cheetos. "What?"

"It's my payday," I said.

"Oh." He nodded. He spun around in the chair, pulling a white envelope from a file box. It had Cheeto dust all over it. "There, two weeks' worth."

"Thank you." I smiled, turning around and running out. I ran out of the building, joining Steve and Robin in Steve's car.

"Finally." He groaned, starting the car. 

I dropped my backpack in the backseat, handing him the envelope. "Had to pick up my money. You know, I'm technically late because you two had to get your money too, and then he had to walk all the way to the arcade to pay me."

"The video store and the arcade are right next to each other." Robin pointed out. "And Kieth's the manager for both businesses. He's bound to be a little late to one of them."

"Yeah, I know." I rolled my eyes. "Now, let's go."

"I'm going!" Steve chuckled, turning onto the main road. "Robin, can you count it all again?"

"Insecure about your money, Harrington?" She giggled, opening my envelope and pulling out the twenties. She combined it with the massive pile of ones, fives, tens, the twenties, and even fifties we've been collecting. All of it adds up to-

"3,186 dollars." Robin grinned. "Total."

"Holy shit." I grinned. 

"That's like, a whole twelve hundred leftover!" Steve said.

"Woah, he can do math." Robin scoffed. "But yeah, three months' worth of working will get you stuff in the thousands."

"No shit." I slid to the middle of the car, glancing at the cash. The stack must've been three inches thick.

Steve pulled into Hawkin's only trailer park, parking next to the management desk. We all got out, Robin passing Steve the money.

We'd already talked to the guy before, making plans on how we could buy a tiny home. We put down a hundred-dollar downpayment for moving it here, and a month's rent($250). The electricity was already installed, and the normal appliances came with it.

Steve opened the door, holding up a partial stack of money. 

"Oh, the Harringtons." The man turned around. His name's Joeseph. I remembered from last time. "You're back."

"With the money Joe!" Steve slapped it on the table. "Now, give us our trailer."

"Gotta coun' it first." He grumbled, picking up the wad. "And I got a few papers for y'all to sign."

I nodded, pulling a pen out of my pocket.

"No, is yer girlfriend movin' in too?" He looked up at Robin.

"What?" Steve glanced at her, frowning. "Girlfriend? Gross, no."

"Wow." She scoffed.

"No, she's not my girlfriend." He clarified.

"I still need to know if she's movin' in with you." Joe continued.

"She's not," I said.

He nodded, pulling out a folder of papers. "You can sign those while I count this."

"Thanks." Steve grabbed my pen, scribbling his name on each empty line, not caring to read any of it.

"Oh my god-" Robin groaned.

"You know, if y' were readin' those papers you'd see you can't make noise complaints," Joe explained. 

"Why no noise complaints?" I asked.

"'Cause that damn Munson boy. If you wanna complain 'bout the noise, 'plain to him, not me. Got it?"

"Who's the Munson boy?" I asked.

"You'll figure out soon enough."

We didn't have any furniture yet, so we actually bought a few from the Byers. We got their old couch, and an armchair for like, half the price we could get in a store. They were just gonna throw them away. We still needed beds, a few shelves, and a kitchen table, but we had the bare minimum, and on the first day, that was enough.

We barely had time to 'move in' because I had plans with Max. 

Her mom's really struggling because her stepdad left after Billy died. Max says they're about to lose the house. I've only heard bits and pieces, but from what I heard, it's not good. 

She said she likes to hang out to get her mind off it. 

She taught me how to skateboard, just a few weeks after the mall fight. She said it was a good distraction. And it's nice too, now I can skateboard everywhere. Unlike the first year I was here, I didn't need to worry about changing out of my roller skates. I could just jump off the board. 

I also got a job. I work at the Palace Arcade, right next door to Steve and Robin's job at Family Video. Kieth manages both. We got the jobs just a few days after the mall fight and worked on saving as much money as possible. Steve suggested I get a job, so we could buy a trailer to live in, and not a car.  And yeah, we were both excited. It's gonna be nice to have an actual building to live in. 

The Byers also moved a week ago. It was really sad, even though I don't really know them super well. And Hopper died, so El moved with them all the way to California.

In the end, this summer was super awesome. Except for all the deaths and traumatization. But on the other hand, Steve and I bought a little house!!! That's cool. And I can skateboard now, even if it is kinda way too cold. And I got a cool scar on my leg because second-degree burns scar really badly if you don't let them heal right. Who would've thought? 

Oh, and if you're wondering, no. Max and I still haven't spoken a single word about that kiss.

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