22: Billy

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The door swung open. 

It was just a girl. A punk-goth girl. She had heavy eyeliner and greased back hair, and even her nose was fucking bleeding.

Everyone lowered their weapons.

She stared at all of us, until she stopped, at Mike.

He stepped forward, and they hugged, like a dramatic old couple.

They talked a bit, but I couldn't really hear it until Hopper interrupted it.

"What the hell is this, where have you been?" He asked.

She turned to him, glaring. "Where have you been?"

"You've been hiding her," Mike said. He punched the side of his shoulder. "You've been hiding her this whole time!"

"Let's talk!" Hopper warned. "Alone."

The two left, everyone still staring at the girl. I had no idea who the fuck she was and what she had to do with all this, but she looked cool.

"We missed you." Lucas smiled.

"I missed you too." She said back, hugging both him and Lucas.

She smiled, then put her hand in Dustin's mouth. "Teeth. You have teeth."

"Eleven?" Max asked, walking forward.

"What who's Eleven?" I asked. "How do you know her?"

"I'm Max." She smiled, holding out her hand. "I've heard a lot about you."

She nodded, and walked by, without shaking her hand. She want right to Joyce, who immediately hugged her.

"What is going on?!" I asked. 

"It's Eleven." Dustin smiled.

"Like the number?"

"No, remember the thing I told you about?" Max asked. "You know, the girl with superpowers?"

"Wait, superpowers?!" I exclaimed. "Superpowers! What the shit! Tha'ts so fucking cool oh my god!"

She nodded.

"Wait Eleven and the upside down and everything is fucking real!" I laughed.

"Yeah, what did you think the demo dogs were?" Dustin asked.

"I dunno, lizard mutant assholes?"

"She doesn't know any swear words." Joyce said.

"Well, she does now." I smiled, then turned to Max. "Also, can I take the tourniquet off? It's making my hand go all numb and purple."

"You put a tourniquet on her hand!" Joyce shouted.

"To stop the bleeding!" Max said.

"You're cutting off the circulation!" Joyce let go of Eleven and rushed over to me, taking the belt off. "Your fingers are purple."

I nodded.

Eleven nodded to me. "Bitchin."

Joyce gasped. "Where did you learn that-"

They were making a plan at the table while I slept off whatever side effects of blood loss is. I don't think you can sleep off blood loss, but whatever.

They took Will, Jonathan, Joyce, and Nancy to some cabin in the woods to try and get the Mind Flayer out of Will. Hopper took Eleven to the Hawkins lab to close the gate or whatever. I'm still super confused.

Dustin and Steve were trying to stuff the demo dog I smashed in the freezer, which I now realize was dead before I smashed it. Lucas and Max were cleaning up the broken glass, and I was trying not to pass out again. Mike was pacing around, and Steve was trying some dumb analogy about sports.

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