15: Lighter

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A lady with dark brown came rushing out on the fields a few seconds later, Lucas sprinting to keep up. They woke him up a little after, and he looked absolutely fucking traumatized. 

Mike went back with Will and Joyce.

Lucas had to go back into the school to pick up some homework, and Dustin stayed outside with us while we waited for Steve.

I was sitting on the grass, hanging out while Max practiced some trick on the pavement in front of me. Dustin was sitting on a bench a few feet away.

"What was that?" Max asked.

"Um." Dustin started. "Will has a few medical issues."

"Oh, like epilepsy?" She asked.



"Uh..." He shrugged. "They don't really know."


Max's board kicked out from under her again, and she stumbled back on the pavement, cursing. "God dammit." She walked over to grab it, then stopped, letting it bounce off the curb. 

I looked up to see Dustin standing, clutching his bag.

Max grabbed her board, turning to me. "Daisy, we need to go."

"Huh?" I looked around, noting three people walking toward us confidently. "Why?"

"Because those guys are fucking assholes." She held out a hand for me.

"I grew up in New York, I think I can handle it," I muttered, crossing my arms on the ground.

"Hey, Toothless!" The boy in the front shouted.

"Daisy, come on." Her hand waved in and out of my peripheral vision. "We need to go-"

"Max, I got this." I grinned, going to sit on my knees.

"No, get up." She grabbed my arm.

"Hey it's the Lesbo! How's it going?" The leader shouted.

"Get up we're leaving!" Max tugged on my hand, just as the boy got closer.

I stood up, grabbing my back and then turning back to them. I looked down, towering over the group. The leader's face looked sort of familiar.

"Oh, we got a new one!" He laughed, turning to his goons. "Now what is wrong with you? Other than everything, of course." He looked me up and down, then at my hand, which was still with Max's. "Oh. I see. A dyke."

The two behind him laughed. "Dyke!"

I frowned. "Fuck off."

The boy in the front raised his eyebrows, laughing. "You tell me to fuck off?" 

He reached behind him, where one of the guys handed him a hairspray can. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, flicking it open.

I watched the flame in front of my face, then watched him hold the can up behind it, finger on the spray.

"Don't ever say that to me again, got it bitch?!" He demanded.

I stared at him. "No."

"Oh, you really wanna test me? I will-"

I smacked the back of his hand, sending the lighter flying across the grass, letting it clatter on the pavement. He turned to stare at it. Max snickered behind us.

"And just like that, your confidence is gone." I smiled, plucking the can out of his hand while he was still distracted.

"You bitch!" He screeched, throwing a punch.

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