20: Crowbar

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"That motherfucker is going somewhere." Steve motioned for us all to get off the bus. "Come on."

I followed him, tucking the broom stick under my arm.

"Wait, what?" Lucas asked. "Why would you follow it?"

"'cause that things gonna be eating a lot more than just cats," Steve muttered.

Dustin grabbed his backpack and left the bus last.

"Wait, he ate a cat?" Lucas asked. "What cat?!"

"Mews, he told me Dartt ate Mews-" 

"Steve!" Dustin cut him off.

"I knew it! You lied!" Lucas shouted, punching him in the arm.

"No! No!"

Max looked at me.

Steve shook his head.

I glanced at my hands, which were now covered in my blood, and the demodogs. Mine though, was turning dark red thanks to the splatters of demodog blood. They were puddling in my hands, and spilling onto my shirt.

"Oh shit." Steve groaned.

"What?" I snapped out of it, glancing at him.

"Your goddamn hands, that's what." He shouted. "Jesus christ-"

"Holy-" Lucas stopped.

"What, it's not that bad-" I mumbled.

"Yes, it fucking is." Max grabbed them, flipping them over first. Blood splattered on Steve's shoes, who was stuck in the middle of it.

"Dustin, do you have anything useful?" Steve asked. He grabbed my left hand, peering at it.

"Left one's fine," I said.

"Oh, yeah." Max held up my other hand, a deep cut in my palm where blood was dripping down my arm.

"Jeez-" Steve grabbed it. "Dustin, come on."

"We need to wash it-"

"Max, we do not have time to wash it. Just get a fucking bandage on it or something."

"Here!" Dustin held up the same roll of gauze from the day before.

"Good." Max grabbed it, along with some of the cotton pads, and placed them over my hand. "Sorry if this hurts."

When she put pressure on it, an immediate ache filled my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to take deep breaths.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god-" Lucas whispered.

"Shut it, Lucas!" Max said, wrapping my hand. "Sorry."

I just didn't look at it. I could feel her wrapping it around my hand, and each time it hurt a little less. Soon enough, it was just Max bandaging another wound. It had faded a little, to just a really painful ache, and not just an extremely painful ache.

"Shit," Steve muttered. "Those fuckers like blood."

"Awesome," I muttered, waving the broom handle. "Get me a better weapon."

"Got it." He muttered. "Lucas, Dustin, help me find something."

They both walked away to scour the grounds for something, while Max finished up with my hand.

"That hurt?" She asked.

"Like a bitch." I muttered, wiping the tears from my eyes. She was nice. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem." She smiled, tucking the bandages back in her pocket. "I'll hold onto these, for the next time you almost bleed out."


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