49: The Battle of Startcourt

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We snuck up the back staircase, bringing all the fireworks up. Once we got to the balcony, I noticed Billy carrying El over his shoulder, Max and Mike nowhere in sight.

I was handed two baskets, for me and Steve to throw. Robin and Nancy paired up as well, and then Will and Lucas. Jonathan was rushing back and forth with the only lighter, a silver one supplied by Steve. 

"Alright, line up." Jonathan flicked the lighter on, lighting the firework in Lucas's hand.

El screeched on the floor, the Mind Flayer growling at her.

"Flay this you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas shouted, throwing the box at it. It exploded into a massive red fire, sending sparks flying. 

"Come on!" Jonathan shouted at me.

I panicked, holding out the firework I held. He lit it, and I froze. Suddenly this was a lot scarier, and a lot less exciting.

"Throw it!" Steve shouted.

"Fuck!" I launched it over the side, throwing it directly in the thing's mouth. Blue sparks flew everywhere. I few bounced off my bare legs, leaving little burnt spots.

"Get another!" Steve said, throwing his and tossing me another box.

"Stop telling me what to do." I grabbed another from the closest basket, holding them out to Jonathan at the same time. They both lit up, and I dropped them over the side onto the floor. They bounced off the floor, sending orange and green sparks shooting out around the Mind Flayer. 

It howled in agony, roaring in my face. As it did that, Will got one right down its throat, and it screeched as sparks sizzled out of its mouth.

Soon enough there was an explosion every second, thanks to seven people working together.

Sparks were everywhere, burning holes in the carpet all around us. Tons of scorch marks had burnt my shirt sleeves, and I was very thankful to be one of the few wearing sleeves. 

I grabbed one of the last ones in my basket, throwing it at the floor again so it exploded under it.

"We're almost out!" Will shouted.

"Me too!" I said, grabbing the last two.

"Dustin!" Steve shouted into the walkie. "Dustin! Close it now!"

He tossed the walkie aside and grabbed one from his basket, lighting it off of one of mine I was about the throw.

"Throw them under it!" I shouted. A few must've heard me because five exploded under it at the same time. Pink, green, orange, and blue launched the creature in the air, just enough for Will to get another straight in its mouth. 

"We're out!" Will cried.

"Damn it!" Lucas said.

I grabbed the last one from Steve's basket, and the last two from Robin to light them. Jonathan lit them, and I dropped them in its mouth, still roaring at Will. The three at once ripped its mouth apart, sending sparks and melted people flying.

"Holy shit!" Robin shouted, laughing.

The smoke was rising in our faces, trapped under the unbroken ceiling. I couldn't see a thing, so I grabbed my crowbar and slid down the escalator's middle. Steve copied, then Robin. I hopped off the end, running around the side to see what was going on.

It had stopped, still growling, inspecting a figure. I couldn't tell who it was through the fire and smoke.

I carelessly sprinted next to a large fire, lighting my sleeve on fire. Without thinking, I yanked my overshirt, tossing it on the ground. I skidded to a stop, my sneakers squeaking on the tile as I stopped next to Max.

It was Billy.

Four of those tiny tentacles had attached themselves to his sides, more coming out and suspending him in the air.

Max shifted next to me, but I held her back. The tentacles were flying everywhere, and there was no telling if she would've gotten hit too.

All of a sudden, the massive tentacle came out of its mouth again and plunged itself through Billy's chest. He groaned, something loud enough above the monster.

"BILLY!" Max screeched, running toward him.

The Mind Flayer pulled the tentacle out of him, suddenly screeching and stumbling around in the mall. It howled, falling over tables and chairs.

"Holy shit!" Steve shouted. 

It crashed to the floor, taking out part of the balcony where Nancy, Jonathan, Will, and Lucas still were. It screeched the entire way down, and finally, died.

"Oh my god, Billy-" Max ran to her brother, While I stepped back to mine.

Steve put his hand on my shoulder, holding out the other. "Give me the crowbar."


"Just give it to me-" I handed it to him, and he slowly walked toward the monster. I followed, next to Robin. He poked it with the handle end, holding the hook, still covered in the tentacle from before.

It didn't move.

"Gross," Robin muttered.

"Now give it back," I said, taking the crowbar.


El had found her way next to Max and Billy, hugging Max. I joined them, unsure of what to say.

Max was sobbing, leaning on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her, patting her on the back.

The soldiers came just a few minutes later, coming in helicopters. At least ten were sitting in the parking lot when we were ushered out. The ambulances came next, then the fire brigade.

I had y hands freshly bandaged, and along with my left leg, I'd burnt pretty bad. They said it was a second-degree burn, but thanks to the numbing cream they put on it, it didn't really hurt. There were tiny burns all over my arms and legs, from the sparks of the fireworks. Everyone had those though, and they all kind of stung.

Steve made his rounds, checking in on everyone once he was patched up. I was sitting with Mike, Will, and Max in the back of an ambulance. They were still fixing up El, and said it would take a good forty-five minutes to bandage it correctly.

Max was still crying, sitting between me and Mike. She was messing with the blanket we shared, leaning on me.

"Hey, I'm really sorry Max-"

"Can we not talk about it?" She said.

Mike nodded. "So, remember when we were hiding behind the Scoops counter?"

"Oh my god-" I dropped my head in my hand. "Do not-"

"You guys totally kissed."

"We did not, Mike." Max groaned. I turned red.

"Sure, and we totally didn't just fight the Mind Flayer in a shopping ma-"

"Wheeler I swear to god if you don't shut up I'll shoot you in the head with that bb gun." She snapped.

"Come on me and Will both saw it-"

"Michael Motherfucking Wheeler there is nothing going on between us." Max scowled.

"Fine." He shrugged, turning to Will about something.

"Fine." He dropped her head back on my shoulder and rested her hand on mine.

"Mom-" Will stood up, sprinting to his mother. Jonathan joined from somewhere a little bit away, Joyce disappearing behind them.

Murray stood awkwardly beside them, but Hopper wasn't there.

"Shit, where's the chief?" Mike asked. He got up, running to El.

"Oh god, El-" Max groaned, picking her knees up to her chest. More tears ran down her face, leaving lines in the smoky soot still stuck to her skin.

I didn't know what to do, so I just hugged her.

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