36: The Sauna Test

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Eleven closed the door to the sauna, the only thing lit in the entire room.

"Pools closed!" Billy's voice echoed through the room.

The door creaked open more, and she shifted the locker door she was behind.

"Hey!" His voice was louder, and his footsteps were nearing. "Do you hear me?!" The footsteps were a lot closer. "Pools closed!"

A loud thud echoed through the halls, him trying to get out of the locker room. We locked it before.

"Billy!" Mike taunted over the walkie. He was in the locker next to mine, but I only heard him through the walkie on the other side. 

Billy said something, his voice deeper than before. 

"Bil-ly!" Mike sang, a little giggle escaping over the microphone.

"Who's there?!" He sang back. A few sounds of rattling followed, him throwing open the shower curtains.

"Billy!" Mike giggled again. "Bil-ly!"

"You think this is funny, huh?" His voice was much closer now.

"Billy! Come and find me!"

"I find you, it's your funeral! Got it?"

"Come and get me! Come on!"

The door to the weights room was thrown open. He walked in, shirtless, of course, and his hair soaking wet.

"Billy!" Mike whispered.

"Got you." It was so ominous, the only voice echoing in the room. He was right in front of me, only a few feet from my locker.

He burst out laughing, walking to the sauna and kicking open the door.

"Come and get me you piece of shit!" Mike laughed again.

Billy tried to strangle the dummy or something. I couldn't see.

"Go!" Mike whispered, not through he walkie. Eleven climbed out of her locker, standing in front of the door.

"Behind you." Mike said into the walkie.

I peeked open my door to watch Billy. His head whipped around, staring at El.

"Hi." She said, throwing her chin up. The door slammed shut. He was thrown back into the wall, and I could hear the porcelain tile shatter from where I was.

"Come on." Mike climbed out of his locker, and I followed, seeing all my friends step out of the small spaces.

I had my crowbar with me, the only one in the group with an actual fucking weapon. Like Jesus Christ, get a fucking stick for all I care, just get something.

Mike ran out with the metal bar from the dumbbell set and slid it between the door and the pipe. Will came up next to him, wrapping the chains between the handle and pipe and bolting them shut. 

They all ran back, where Max, El, and I stood in a triangle sort of shape.

Billy stared at us through the window, then suddenly threw himself at the door with a loud thud.

I raised my crowbar as Billy got more aggressive, each hit growing louder and louder against the door.

He stopped, staring at the girl next to me.


She stared directly at him, while I watched her clenched fists grow whiter by her side. "Do it."

Will turned the temperature as high as it would go, the lights immediately turning redder inside.

"Max!" He slammed his hand against the window, shaking the door. "Let me outta here! Let me out..." He was panting, and sweat was already dripping off his face. "You kids. You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank?" He leaned back, spitting on the window. 

I glanced at Mike, on my left. He nodded.

"You little shits think this is funny?!" Billy shouted. "What is this? Open, the door." The door rattled again. "Open the door!" The door shook with each word as his voice got louder and more hoarse.

"Open the goddamn door!" He screamed. Every syllable, his nose hit up against the glass, leaving sweat imprints. 

And then he was gone. He just dropped out of sight. He was still screaming through. 

Will checked the temperature again, tapping the thing. "We're at 220."

It sounded like Billy was crying now, a few quieted sobs echoing through the area. I held the crowbar against my right shoulder, gripping it tighter. A lot of the heat had seeped out from the sauna, leaving my hands sweaty as fuck. 

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault Max." He repeated. "I promise."

Max took a step toward the door.

"I promise you it's not my fault."

"Don't get closer," I warned.

She shook her head, peering over the window. "What's not your fault Billy?"

"I've done things, Max. Really bad things..." His voice was scratchier by the second. "I didn't mean to."

I stood next to El, following the guys to get closer.

"He made me do it."

"Who made you do it?" Max whispered.

"I dunno, it's like a shadow." He sobbed again. "Like a giant shadow."

El turned around her lips in a line.

"Please, Max! It's not my fault! Okay, Max?! Please! Please believe me, Max! It's not my fault!" 

Max sniffled, wiping her nose in front of the door.

"I tried to stop him! I did! I swear!" He cried, panting, and still out of sight.

Max put her hand on the glass, sniffling again. "Billy it's gonna be okay."

"Max please."

"It's gonna be okay, we want to help you. You have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us!"

Mike shuffled, staring at the door, then glancing at Will.

Will suddenly tensed up, his hand moving to the back of his neck. His voice was shaky when he said it. "I feel him." He turned to me and Mike. "He's activated."

"Max get away from the door." Mike muttered.


"Get away from the door!" I jumped back.

She shrieked as Billy's hand broke through the window. I tensed up immediately.

Billy burst through the window, screaming with a piece of tile in his hand. There was blood all over it, dripping down his arm.

Everyone else scrambled back, Max pulling herself to her feet and running away.

"Let me out you bitch!" Billy shouted. "Let me out! I'll fucking gut you!" He yanked the bar out of the door, throwing it on the floor. It rolled to our feet, and Mike picked it up.

Lucas screeched and pulled out his wrist rocket, launching a rock at Billy's head. It hit him dead on, bouncing off and Billy slumped to the floor.

"Max! Come on!" I grabbed her arm, pulling her into the circle and clambering back. All at once, the lights flicked on and off.

Billy groaned in the sauna, the gagging and immediate stench of vomit filling the air. A horrible wet squelching noise echoed through the room, everyone still staring at the door. Mike still held the bar loosely in one hand. 

He started screeching again, louder than ever. The door slammed against its hinges, the chains bending the pipe.

El put her hands up, and I took a step to the side so I could swing the crowbar.

"He can't get out, can he?" Max whispered. Another hit to the door.

"There's no fucking way." I replied. 

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