He simply stood in front of the gap, shielding children from his father's gaze with his body.

- Where's my coffee?! - old man snarled.

- Water is still boiling, it'll be ready in a few- - Zain didn't end as his father slapped him.

- You're so useless! Forget about it, I'm going to cafe, where I can be sure that they'll do me a coffee! - he said and left the kitchen. As soon as student heard his father left the house, he turned around and faced little kids.

- Who are you? - he asked. Kids didn't respond, they were looking at him with horror in their eyes.

- Tell me who you are! - Zain demanded, way louder than he intended. Children cowered and began to weep. Student quickly realized his mistake and apologized profusely:

- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to take it too far! I'm just curious and-! - he stopped, seeing that it didn't calm them down a bit. He needed to be softer, maybe then they'll soothe themselves.

- I think we got of the wrong foot. Let's try again okay? I'm Zain and I promise I won't hurt you - he said in meek voice and put the friendliest face on.

Kids slowly began to relax and calm down. Their mom taught them that beans are cruel, but if he wanted to hurt them, he would have done it long ago.

- So... Uhh... You guys need help, don't you? - human asked. Borrowers nodded timidly.

- Okay, let me just... - Zain gently separated little ones from the web and then cleaned them from remains of silk.

- We're fine now, right? - student asked.

- Y-yeah, t-thank y-you - boy responded.

- So, can you tell me who are you? - Zain kept asking.

- W-we're borrowers - girl said.

- Borrowers? What are you borrowing? - student wondered.

- S-small pieces o-of food a-and s-small t-things you w-won't m-miss - boy said.

- It sounds more like stealing to me... But since I didn't notice to this time, it doesn't matter I guess - Zain replied.

- D-don't w-worry, w-we'll leave y-your house, j-just spare u-us - girl pleaded. Student saddened at her words.

- Why would you leave? It's not like your actions bother me - he said.

- I-it's borrower c-code. W-when w-we get s-seen by b-bean, we h-have to leave t-their h-house, since t-they c-can t-tell about us o-other b-beans - boy explained.

- Beans? - student didn't understand.

- B-bigs l-like you - girl answered.

- Well, I promise I won't tell anybody about you, you can stay - Zain said.

- W-why would w-we trust y-you? - boy asked, hugging his sister. Zain wondered.

- What should I do to gain your trust? You can ask me for anything - he finally spoke.

Luca tilted his head and discreetly looked at plate with cookies. Zain caught borrower's gaze and asked:

- You want some cookies?

Borrowers nodded shyly. Student took the plate and placed it in front of small kids.

- Dig in, little ones - he said.

Borrowers began to rip pieces off of cookie and stuffing them in their bags. Surprised Zain asked:

- Why are you taking it with you?

- Can you promise you won't use it against us? - Skye asked.

- Of course! - student crossed his heart.

- We're taking food for our mom, who can't borrow because she has problems with legs - Luca said.

Zain's eyes softened. They were so young and yet, they were risking their lives for their mom.

- You're very brave. Since now, if you need something, you can tip me off m'kay? - he offered.

- Really? - borrowers were positively surprised.

- Sure - he smiled.

- Thank you Zain - boy said and pointed at himself - I'm Luca and this is my sister Skye - he introduced themselves.

- It's nice to meet you - student said and swore to himself that he'll protect them from any danger. They were too precious to be hurt.

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