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5 months after Y/N finds out she's pregnant

"Ok my belly bump is showing a lot and Minas starting to ask questions, what do we do?" "I mean, tell Mina she doesn't have your mom phone number right?" "No but she can tell Mr aizawa." "Oh, yeah, so fuck that idea." "Let's just tell my mom, she should get over it eventually." "Fine, but you have to tell her." "Oh, ok."

I am going to fucking die! My mom will either ground me for eternity or kill me. I'm so scares! "Hey, mom, come here for a minute." "Sure, hun, what's up?" "Well, do you remember a few months ago me asking what a late period ment?" " Yeah, why?" "Well, I'm pregnant." "Oh my god! I'm gonna be a grandma at 35? I mean hey I had you at 18 so I'm not the best example. Have you told shinso?" "Yeah, he's known for the whole 2 trimesters." "Wait so yiur in your second, almost 3rd trimester?" "Yes. I'm sorry I just was so scared baout what you would say that I just kept putting it off. But now you can clearly see a baby bump and little feet kicking."

After that whole conversation with my mom she took me to my altrosound appointment. I was so happy when I learned I was having twins because before they said that it was only one. After that my mom picked up Shinso and we went baby clothes shopping. Since I'm having a boy and a girl, my mom decided to by everything for both of them.

"Mom, this Is too much stuff. You know we don't have an extra bedroom, let alone a whole ass house." "I know I just want to spoil them." "You can when they're older, okay? But right now we just need essentials."

1 and 1/2 months after telling Y/N's mom

"Shinso, your father's have become suspicious of all the weight I've gained. I think it's time for you to tell them." "Oh come on you know they'll kick me out!" "And if they do then you will live with me." "Ok. I'll tell them." "Good kitty." Oh I hope this goes well. "Um, dad's, I have something I need to confess. Now note that it had been 26 weeks okay?" "Okay?" "Y/N's pregnant."

"Oh my god you made me a grandpa before 40 you little piece of shi-!" "Hizashi that's enough. Hitoshi I'm happy for the both of you but you will be grounded for 3 weeks because you didn't tell us." "That's fair. But I can't be grounded when Y/N gives birth. Deal?" "Deal."

brainwashed/ Shinso x fem. readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon