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After the other 6 matches we took a quick break to get lunch then I went back to the 2nd competitors room to try and not have a panick attack for having to fight Shinso.

"All right, everyone! First up for round 2 is Hitoshi Shinso versus Y/N Aquari!""Come on, Shinso, bring your best!""Bring it, newbie!""As long as I don't talk after him, I should have a high advantage!"

When I started making the water ball, Shinso tried and hit me from behind. "Hmm, nice try, pretty boy!" As soon as I said that he blushed so much he nearly passed out. I won after that, but I really wanted to let him win, though."Nice job, newbie!""Thanks!"

After that we watched Bakugo, Todoroki, and tokoyami win their rounds, which means I have to go against bakugo, next! I am so scared for my life!

"All right! Next up is Katsuki Bakugo versus Y/N Aquari! Get ready! Yeaaaaaah!""Bring it 'kacchan'!""Don't fucking call me that water balloon!" After that all it was was smoke and some light from Bakugo's explosions. After 45 minutes we both passed out.

"All right everyone! When they wake up we will decide the winner with an arm wrestling contest! Next up after the cleaning is Todoroki versus Tokoyami! Yeaaaaaaah!"

It took them 30 minutes to clean up the smoke, water, ash, and broken cement off of the platform. I was so embarrassed when I woke up that the only reason I went back was to see who would win, and I did because Bakugo's arms we weak.

"Awesome, Y/N, you beat Bakugo!""I only won because he was tired from the damage I did to him.""Still, you beat him, and no one has beat him!""Thanks Mina, you too Kiri.""No prob, your like family now!"

"Hey you'll! Now it's time for the final match to see who wins this year's ua sports festival! Up here is Shoto Todoroki versus Y/N Aquari! Yeaaaaaaah!""Goodbye, New kid." "Hm, nice try!" "fuck!"

I got behind him when he wasn't paying attention and blasted him to the ground. He got covered in ice because he froze the water. "OH MY GOD! Y/N won!" I went to the stands after with Bakugo chained up on the number 3 stand because he kept threatening to kill me because I beat him! "Everyone, this years first year winner is...Y/N Aquari! Congratulations!" "Thanks Ms. Midnight!"

After the festival I caught up to Shinso outside of school."Hey, Shinso. Um. I hope we can still be friends?" "Actually, Y/N, you know what, never mind, I'll tell you later." "Well, okay, see you later." "Okay. Bye."

456 words sry guys I know there short!

brainwashed/ Shinso x fem. readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon