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A/N: Hey guys this one is still in Shinso's pov I don't know when it will be regular again sorry guys!

While Todoroki, Kirishima, and Midoriya were getting Bakugo I stayed back with Yaoyorozu to make sure the cloak worked. When we were done testing I decided to go ahead and try my best to get Y/N. I waited until no villains were in the front room to walk in with the cloak. When I shut the door a deranged-looking man with many hands walked in.

I was so worried someone would see me I walked as slow as a turtle and made sure I didn't bump into anything or make any noise. After about 20 minutes the villains all left the room and I silently went to get Y/N. When I opened the door I stood there for a few seconds before everyone turned away from it.

I waited until everyone had left before I took off the cloak because if they saw me, I'd be in real big trouble. "Psst! Y/N? Are you okay?" "Please get me out of here!" "I'll do my best."

"I'm not gonna say it again. Why the hell are kids just barging in here?!" "Well, probably cause you keep leaving the door unlocked!" The villains know we're here?! Shit I need to get her out of here now! "Y/N are you able to walk?" "Y-yeah I think so. But I might need a little help." "Ok, we'll get you out of here." "Kacchan!!!!!" As soon as I yelled that he came barging through the door. "What the fuck did you call me?!!" "Look sorry but I need you to distract the villains while I get Y/N out of here." "Ugggggh, fine since you came."

The door is 2 feet away, as long as I can get to it before someone sho-. "Well, well, well. It's the little brainwashed. So after she saved you, you just had to come save her. Well not this time, both of you are staying!" Shit shit shit shit! "Y/N I know your probably tired but can you do something?" "Y-yeah I'll try my best." And with that the villain was washed away. As soon as I could get Y/N up we ran straight to the door. As soon as we got out we saw aizawa, Y/N's mom, pro heroes, and the police. Oh, shit.

"Hitoshi, want to tell me what you doing here?" "Hehe, well you see, me and the others came to save Bakugo and Y/N." "Well just know your grounded until you graduate." "Aw come the fuck on, dad! That's to much!" "Fine, 2 months with no phone." "Fine!"

Y/N's pov

"Oh my god my sweet baby are you alright?" "Yeah mom, I'm alright just a few scratches and bruises. I also have a headache but it's fine." "Oh my god we were so worried about all of you! Next time I'm coming on any trip you go on!" "Ugh, fine." Im happy to finally go home and out of this hell hole. "What?! I still have to go to the hospital? But I clearly don't have any mild injuries, or even severe ones!" "Yes miss but we still need to check your brain functions to see if they are working properly."

It's been almost a week after the kidnapping and I'm still not allowed back home. I have no clue why but they say I have a mild concusion so I cant be around flashing lights, so no school. I miss shinso so much and he's not aloud to visit cause he's grounded. So, yeah I'm literally dying in a hospital without dying.

One week later

"Alright Ms. Aquari, you can go home now." "Oh, thank god!" I go back to school tomorrow and I'm so excited! I can see everyone(especially shinso)! I'm so ready, but I hope no one makes a big deal about the kidnapping. We just got into our dorms and they are pretty nice.

brainwashed/ Shinso x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now