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The next day at school Mina kept telling everyone what we were gonna do before we left for the summer camp. Denki had the idea to go to the school pool. The other girls wanted to go shopping. "Okay, so we agree. We are going to the pool and tomorrow the mall." "Yep." "Alright, everyone head home and get bathing suits!"

When I got to the pool all the boys were staring at me. "Um, please stop staring at me Denki. You too Todoroki." A few minutes later Shinso walked in. "Holy shit he is hotter than I thought!" I couldn't help but stare. "Um, Y/N, whatcha starin at?" "Hm? Oh, it's nothing." "Your staring at Shinso, aren't you?" "Hmm?! No I was just staring into space!"

"Hey! Why don't we do a competition? Like to see who can swim the fastest?" "That's an excellent idea, Kaminari! We 1will have a race with 4 different races to find the winner. First, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Bakugo, you'll go first." "Move it, you fucking extras!"

After the first three Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki one theirs. It's my turn now and I hope I win! "All right, the last people go up and swim in 3, 2, 1, go!" I started turning myself into water when Iida was halfway there. When I opened my eyes again I was on the other side before Iida.

"Good job, Y/N. Your a good swimmer." "Thanks Iida, but i just molded with the water." "All right everyone! Time to find the winner of all! Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Y/N, get to your places!" "You extras are weak-ass babies!" "Sure, kacchan!"

Let's just say I won and Bakugo almost tried to kill me. "Woah, sore loser? You can't catch me, let alone kill me, you 'fucking exra'!" And the I had to go to Recovery Girl for burns and a broken arm.

The next day...

"Yes! Where on our way to summer camp!" "Mina, please calm down. No one in this neighborhood needs to hear you!" "Sorry Yaomomo, but I'm so excited!" "Settle down, everyone! Please sit down, for standing can lead to injuries!" "Exit sign Iida, calm down, we're heading for summer camp, so of course we're excited!"

After another 2 and a half hours we stopped at a rest spot to stretch our legs. "Um, Mr. Aizawa, where's the camp?" "Hmm, well you see..." "Hey guys! We're here to take you to your summer camp!" "Holy smokes it's Mandalay and Pittsy-Bob! The Wild Wild Pussy Cats!" "Wow, you must be a fan. I'll warn you, this training will work you to the bone! So work your hardest, and go plus ultra!"

Wait, we have to get to the training camp by noon?! It's almost 10 miles away! We won't be able to make it by then! Oh God I'm so nervous! "What the fuck?! We have to wall all the way down the mountain, all while dodging Pittsy-Bobs earth monsters? Nope, Denki hot wire the bus!"

506 words I know there short sry!

brainwashed/ Shinso x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now