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1 week after they did the deed

I've been feeling rally nauseous lately and I don't know what wrong. My mom says it's just because if allergies but I'm not sure. I hope it's not something bad. "Hey, mom, what does it mean when your period is late? Like, almost 3 weeks late?" "Well something could be wrong health wise or you could be pregnant. Why, is it happening to you?" "No, mom, of course not!"

Oh dear good I hope I'm not pregnant. If I am me and shinso are both dead. O have been feeling really sick in the mornings dn craving wierd foods, but still there can be another reason. "Hey, Shinso, I think im pregnant." "What?! Um, ok, have you taken a test yest?" "Umm, no not yet." "Then we should go get one." "Ok."

I'm paying for the pregnancy test when I see Mina and the others behind me. Oh shit oh shit oh shit! They cannot see what I'm being. "Here you you miss that is 7.53 for your change have a nice day." "You too." Oh thank god they did- "Hey, Y/N, what's in the bag?" "Uhh, non of your concern, mina." I need to get home now!

"Have the test results came back yet?" "No, not yet. Oh God I hope its not positive." "It shouldn't be, and if It is the we'll get through this together."

A few minutes later...

"Sh-shinso, there positive." "Oh shit we are so dead!" "If we need to we can-" "No! That is not an option. We are keeping this baby. I love you and our child and if I have to die to show that then fine." "Babe, wait. Maybe we should wait a little longer just to make sure. Like how about we try another test in a couple weeks. Then we can know for sure." "O-ok, that's fine."

Shit, God Dammit I hope I'm not pregnant cause if I am my mom will surely disown me, I mean she's only 34. She can't be a grand mother. Plus shinsos parents are like 39 and they are way to strict to let him still live there.

2 weeks later

Ok, time for another test. "Oh my god. It's still postive!" "Ok, ok. We can get through this. So when do we tell our parents?" "Not until they become suspicious and start asking questions." "Fine with me."

brainwashed/ Shinso x fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now