“Survival of the fittest, Eddie.” Venom grins cheekily as he turns back to face her. “It is not my fault if mother nature gave him a weak organ.”

Eddie snorts out the most ladylike like laugh, Venom grins even wider at the ugly pretty sound, has grown so used to and fond of it. She finally turns back to her door, finally slots the key in and opens her door.

Venom floats in after her, and nudges the door shut with his head. Instead of following her into her bedroom – where he knows he’ll be distracted as she strips out of the lovely dress and unintentionally shows off that even lovelier figure of hers – he floats into the kitchen to let Sonny and Cher out of their little pen. He keeps trying to distract himself as he opens the cupboards and grabs the bag of chicken feed, but it’s simply no use when he can see through her eyes... he could stop doing that. He suddenly does when he feels slightly creepy (doesn’t like the feeling, at all!)

He shakes his floating head, if only to shake himself out of it all. He focuses on grabbing Sonny and Cher’s little trough, begins slowly filling it up with the chicken feed, is careful not to spill any (like he so often does), because this is supposed to be their “hot” date and Venom doesn’t want to upset or anger Eddie on their date... he doesn’t ever want to do those things, actually... well unless she asks for it... stupid Eddie...

Well, he hopes this is their “hot” date. Hopes she is still in the mood for anything after a certain creepy old man mutant...

If anything, Venom would just like to dance. Properly. He would just like to hold her... properly.

Eddie finally emerges from her bedroom, sporting a tight black tank top and small booty-shorts (that Venom swears he is eternally grateful to whoever invented the gloriously tight little things.) “Uh, V...”

Venom simply stares back at her, slightly confused.

Eddie slowly lifts a finger towards him, her own brow furrowed in confusion along with him. “You’re gettin’ all the feed everywhere.”

Venom’s eyes snap down to see just what she’s talking about, then widen in horror as he sees all the feed has indeed gone just about everywhere. The trough is literally overflowing, and Venom feels the stupid tingles of embarrassment at having been caught outright. Although, thankfully for him, Eddie seems completely oblivious to the fact that she is the one making him so goddamn unfocused. It’s gotten worse in the last few months, ever since they defeated Kasady. Their bond has grown and somehow turned Venom into a bumbling love-struck fool.

Eddie can only smile on in amusement as she watches him angrily start to shovel the feed back into the bag after setting the bag on the counter. His inky little digits curling around the handfuls of pellets as he continues to grumble under his breath while doing so. She slowly makes her way over, wriggling her toes in her fluffy black grandma slippers and pulling her trusty red robe tightly around herself. “You finally fattenin’ the little assholes up to eat ‘em?” She teases, but she wishes he would just actually eat them already...

OK, sure, she’s grown quite fond of the avian pair, but Sonny is NOT a chicken – and the little fuckface frequently wakes her up with his cuckooing at the break of goddamn dawn!

Absolutely not!”

Ohh, grouchy.” Eddie chuckles, nudges her hip playfully against his floating head and laughs at the adorable extra two little inky black arms that come sprouting out to lightly slap her away.

Venom finally stops his annoyed grumbling when he finally scoops the last of the feed back into the bag. At least he’s learned to tidy up after himself. Another lesson, curtesy of Eddie. He places the bag back into the cupboard, then, places the half filled trough back in the best friends’ little pen (next to the little wooden castle that he carved out just for them to live in.) He watches the two birds rush back into their pen, watches for a moment as they ever hungrily devour his offerings, ever grateful. He really does love them so much. Almost as much as he loves Eddie.

Venom turns back to face Eddie, watches her now instead as she pulls a clean mug from the dish rack and then turns on the coffee filter machine. He’s tempted to complain about the disgusting liquid she likes to much, but also knows that caffeine keeps the mind awake. He’s rather hopeful then as he slowly floats over to her and asks, “Can I put on the music, Eddie?” As much as he would like to just dance with her right now, he knows how to be tactful... when he wants to.

‘The’ music?” Eddie is amused as she turns to face him, leans back against the counter as she waits for the pot to boil. She can’t help smirking as she says, “Smooth operator, huh?”

“Ugh!” Venom looks disgusted as he states, “I hate that song!”

Eddie laughs, can’t help smiling fondly back at him. “I wasn’t talkin’ about the song, I was talkin’ about you, you big idiot.”

Venom stares blankly back at her for a moment, then mumbles out a quiet, “Oh.” He hopes he doesn’t sound as bashful as he suddenly feels. Ugh with these stupid complex and never ending variety of emotions! Stupid Eddie!

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