ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1 :- 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢

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*At Hogwarts*

It was a normal day, a normal week, a normal month and a normal year, at least that was what every person residing in the castle wanted it to be. In the past 4 years they had seen their teacher being possessed by the greatest dark wizard of his time, a deadly beast residing in a secret chamber in a castle, an escapee of Azkaban hoping to kill his godson's best friend's pet 'rat' and a murderous competition, which got a student killed and resurrected the dark wizards from 3 years ago. They could settle for peace, if not quiet, but they needed a break.

It had been a week since the year started and nothing quite that interesting had happened yet. The only change they had seen was a new defense against the dark arts teacher, and it was no longer news that the post had been cursed a long time ago, so no one thought odd of that.

Currently everyone was off to breakfast in the great hall, if they had no choice but to go through Snape's bias, McGonagall's strict attitude, the ministry's ideocracy, and being put to sleep by Binn, they'd much rather do it all once they had a full stomach.

Out of the dungeons came a friend group, Blaise Valentino Zabini, the boy who ignored everyone outside of his friend circle unless really important; Draco Lucius Malfoy, the boy who showed off his father's wealth but still knew his place as what it was , a scared boy who thinks his life is worth more than the freedom of the entire world, not just the wizarding; Theodore Marichi Nott, the boy who was too wealthy for his own good; Daphne Adelle Greengrass, the girl whose luck was starting to get to her head and Amethyst Edith Black, the girl who preferred a certain Hufflepuff boy more than her group, but only as a friend.

The group climbed out of the dungeons and into the basement. While they were crossing the Hufflepuff common room a sixth year by the name Mary Dawn shouted out to Amethyst, "He left already something about impressing his crush before you appear and ruin his chance." Amethyst only nodded to show That the message had been received, but that was how she was, especially when she was only a girl away from murdering in cold blood the boy whose aunt, married aunt, was obsessed with the dark lord.

When they reached the great hall Amethyst eyes scanned for the familiar hazel ones of her best friends at the Hufflepuff table, but she had no luck. She then looked at the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables, as his only Slytherin friends were standing behind her. She finally caught him talking to a Ravenclaw sixth year who was blushing madly and nodding her head so fast she thought it would fall of, could only means he agreed. She followed her friends who were making their way to their usual seats. Not close to the middle, where everyone who thought they were above everyone else sat and away from the sides where the loners, people with friends in only other houses or people who pathetically though they did not belong in their particular house sat.

As soon as they had taken their seats a pug by the name of Pansy Eleanor Parkinson stuck like a bee to honey, as if he was her only source of life and she'd stop breathing the moment someone detached them, which was the only thing Draco was trying to do, food long forgotten. Around the same an overly giddy Hufflepuff boy clad in yellow sat down, quite unceremoniously, right next to her and started telling her everything about everything, for the fifth time, in that very week. How he had been made Quidditch captain, Prefect, and the girl he liked who had just agreed to go on a date with him at the next Hogsmeade pouting, a Chinese Korean girl named Cho Chang.

As the owls swooped in, trying to find their owners, all the teachers, even Professor Trelawney and Hagrid, came into the great hall through the teachers' entrance. That was an odd sight as usually teachers only ate in the Great Hall during dinners and feasts. After the owls had departed to get to the owlery and get some much-needed rest Professor Dumbledore stood up, "Dear students, late last night my fireplace erupted into flames and a letter fell, a letter with gold lining and a very regal PB logo up front. I trust the senders, whom I know and followed the instructions in the note, which brought me here, to the great hall, in which you all peacefully dine." Everyone was confused, why was Dumbledore telling them about a letter he received late last night, though a lot of people also questioned what time he went to bed, that is to say he went to bed at all.

"It asked all of us to assemble in the Room of Requirement after breakfast, and also told us to ensure all of you have everything you might need for the day with you as you will exit the room only to have meals in the great hall. Pack a bag for the day as you get done with breakfast, there are a few snacks arranged out in the 7th floor corridor which you can grab before entering the room. Assemble on the seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. The doors will open at 9 and close half an hour later, after which you will be locked out. Some guests would also be arriving after the gates close so, professors if you could look over the list and ensure they can enter without any troubles." Saying that the man who befriended Gellert Grindelwald left his students thinking why they ever thought it was a good idea to come back to Hogwarts.

Amethyst didn't want to find out what it was all about, if the letter contained that particular lining, and that particular logo and Dumbledore trusted them, then that means it was her family, and even though she didn't want to know she was worried and concerned as to why her family was owling her school headmaster, according to him, late at night.

*At The Mikaelson Ball*

Every citizen of Mystic Falls was gathered in the entrance hall of the Mikaelson mansion and Elijah was just about to invite them all to a glorious evening filled with dancing and neck snapping when a bright glow came from behind the staircase.

Finn's first thought was that this was about his mother's 'plan', but when he looked at her confusion filled face, he understood it wasn't. Klaus and Elijah thought this was Bonnie's attempt at trying to destroy them, but even she was confused. Rebekah and Kol just glared at everyone in the hall, not knowing if there were any witches other than Bonnie and their mother.

From the light came a letter, which Elijah cautiously caught, read and passed on to Finn, who passed it to Rebekah, who handed it over to Klaus who forwarded it to Kol who very 'reluctantly' passed it to his mother.

After Esther had finished reading it, she spoke to the entire room, "It looks like this ball is going to extend on quite a bit, whatever you shall need for the next week you may only think of before it appears in the bags that just appeared at your feet. We have been requested to visit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is a British boarding school for people with magic between the ages of 11 and 17. It is known for its ancient magic, while traditional magic, like the ones the Salem witched had, and which is also considered way darker than ancient magic is greatly frowned upon there."

Knowing she was the person with the final say anyway, everyone started thinking of things that they wanted. Then everyone held hands with each other while Klaus and Rebekah kept a hand on Elijah's shoulder as he held on to the teddy portkey that they had been sent with the letter. He said, "Evans" the activation code for the portkey and they were transported from Entrance Hall, Mikaelson mansion, Mystic Falls, west Virginia to Room of Requirement, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Scotland.

*At Hogwarts (after Mystic Falls arrives) *

Everyone was seated in their respective seats, which were all labelled. After everyone from Mystic Falls arrived and were surprisingly not squeamish, they all took their seats. Then came a bright white light similar to the one at the ball out of which came the Potters and the Blacks.

Rigel Phineas Black, Sirius's older brother and his wife Edith Iolanthe Potter, James's older sister, along with their 19-year-old son Zaire Regulus Black, and 22-year-old son Aleksander Rigel Black.

They were followed by James Fleamont Potter and his wife Lily Maddison Evans, their 19-year-old son Anthony Ignatius Potter, their 9-year-old son Amell Hardwin Potter and their 3-year-old daughter Artemis Petunia Potter.

After the Potter Family came the Blacks. Sirius Orion Black and Remus John Lupin with their adoptive children, 24-year-old Tiago Remus Black, 19-year-old Vulpecula Sirius Black and a home-schooled 14-year-old daughter named Amalthea Euphemia Black.

They all took their seats and waited for something to happen, till suddenly the entire room went black, their only source of light being the Lumos spell and some flashlights that the room provided.

And it started. 

Amethyst E Black | His Princess| N.MikaelsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt