Chapter 68

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Lando's POV

"So now on to the moment we all have been waiting for" Patrice says through di talker phone.

My palm becomes sweaty .

Mi shuda bun a bighead spliff before Mi fawud ya!

I hear the loud sound of the helicopter over our heads, it catches our attention and everyone looks up.

Yanique stands and grips my hand tighter!

My heart starts racing.

This is it.

"It's a boy!!!!!" Jessica shouts

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"It's a boy!!!!!" Jessica shouts.


Yan is bursting with joy and my spirit brightens. Feeding off her happiness and also engulfed by mine , I pick her up and spin around with her in my arms.

She kisses me passionately.

I then put her down and she hugs her friends , I take the box from my pocket and get on one knee.

The music stops and everyone has their phone out videoing the moment.

Yanique is still caught up in the juncture she doesn't realize what's taking place. Patrice points at me and she turns around.

Her jaw drops and she immediately starts crying while backing away from me in disbelief.

Being on one knee holding out this diamond ring and hoping she says yes, I can now confirm that I can't see myself growing old with anyone else besides from her. Doing this life thing together and raising our son, I need her like how plants need the water.

"Will you marry me?" My voice husky. I feel myself being emotional and authentic . Holding back absolutely nothing as I look at the most stunning lady.

I become a hundred percent vulnerable.

She walks up to me and gets on her knees. She hugs me while crying. Not able to say anything, she nods . Then looks into my eyes and say "yes Lando , I'll marry you"

I let go of my breath.

I then put the ring on her finger to seal the deal.

Mi feel like the fucking king !

I can't tell what is louder, Jason Derulo - Marry me or her friends screaming.

I hug her like I don't ever want to let her go, I honestly don't.

"Congrats mi bredda" Lawrence walks over and pats my shoulder ! He already knew I was planning on proposing to her. He, along with my mother were the only persons who knew all along.

"Respect" I dap him up.

"Congrats mi son... yuh mek mi so proud" my mother hugs me as she cries. I know her tears are coming from a place of happiness, she always wanted this life for me. She believe I was worthy of this before I could even imagine it.

I glance at my fiancé wearing the brightest smile as she is surrounded by my family who are taking chances at congratulating her. Today feels like a win for me, in all fairness I've never been this happy.

4 hours later and most people have left , leaving Patrice , Lawrence , Jada , Yan and I behind.

Wayne along with the DJ are outside packing the sound boxes inside the pickup truck. From where I'm seated I can see Yanique helping Jada and Patrice put away the remains of the decorations.

People were hired to do that job but still it gives them time to talk so I guess they don't mind doing it all.

Lawrence joins me inside the living room. I pour another shot of the Hennessy in my glass.

"The man of the hour" he sits next to me and immediately catches the view of the ladies outside.

"Reality still nuh soak in don't?" He looks over at me then pours himself a shot.

"Not even close" I chug my liquor.

"If anybody deserve it ... a you. How much longer ya brace a Jamaica?" He hits the nail on the head.

"Until she graduates"I wish it could be sooner giving the circumstances but I can't ask her to drop everything and leave the country.

"Keep your head down until then. Nobody not even too know yuh deh a yard , mek sure it remains that way." He warns me.

The brotherly love kicks in , I can see he now wants me to cut ties with the street life as much I want to. Somehow it start making sense to him too.

I can't do both.

I've tried and it didn't work.

I have too much to risk.

I half smile at him then chuckle a little. This is really happening , I have managed to turn my back on this scamming life for good. No more selling leads, my businesses are legit and after this one last deal I'll be officially out of the fucking game with my Queen by my side about to start our family together and plan a wedding.

Life really never turn out bad for me at all.

Keeping my head down won't be hard.

"Yuh not apart of marksman anymore but ya still my little brother. You know wah that mean, any pussy even think fi diss you..mi mek hell rain on earth" Lawrence drench in his evil thoughts.

Yanique POV

"Not too sure where to put theses" I hold the basket and teddy bears in my hand.

Jessica had to leave early because she has work to finish up. I assured her that I understand, after all she has done more than enough here.

"Put them in the box beside you, the lady soon come for them" Patrice tells me. We really don't need to be doing this but I guess it kills time, the event planner will be here soon to pick up the stuff , so it will make her job a lot easier.

I look at the ring on my finger.

I'm officially his fiancé , it has been a few hours and the butterflies inside my stomach hasn't lessen.

I love him so much and I'm thankful he chose me!

My heart smiles.

"Must she this" Jada says as we hear a vehicle pulling into the yard. The gates are left open so she can make her way around the backyard.

I don't need a buzzer , and all those fancy stuff like Lando. I begin to walk towards the front but my feet grow weak when my eyes land on the person I'm approaching.

My heart sinks.

What is he doing here?

I take two small steps backwards , I try to steady my breathing.

"Yanique" Lando walks toward me but he is paralyzed in his spot as soon as his eyes meet his.

My father.

Author's note: Congrats to Lando and Yan🥳🥳

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