*Chapter 27*

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Song dedicated to Fry yiy 🕊🙏🏾

Lando's POV

There is a huge turn out , crowd is definitely expected because by now the entire community knows my brother is back. Probably half of these people don't even know Fry yiy.

Mi can tell by the look pan Yanique face if someone shouts she probably run but she is safer here than she could be anywhere else. Dat much she don't know as yet.

Since she's been here she has been piecing the little details together and mi cya help it. With all this unfolding fuckry it is way too late to have a normal night. Probably even a normal life with her.

"Anything to drink ?" A redhead girl ask me. I look over to my brother then at her.

Why the fuck him need a server around , is this an actual welcome home party for him?


"Get him a bottle a Henny and a cup of rocks , same fi him woman" Lawrence tells her.

"Cranberry juice for her .. cup of rocks too" I interjected before she nods and walks away.

My brother now concerned, " Yuh don't allow her to drink?, why you even bring her ... she look like she uncomfortable bro" he then sits.

Yanique is focusing on her phone while sitting in the couch not too far away from us.

"This wasn't the setting I was hoping for...isn't this suppose to be a dead yaad fi fry yiy?" I knit my brows.

Guess I'm upset that Lawrence could possible be right .

"This is what fry yiy would a want ... no need fi shed tears fi a solider. We need fi celebrate his life , plus the people dem hear seh mi ina the place mate .. so they are out to show their support , you know how it go"

The server girl returns with our drink and I point to Yanique so she knows who is suppose to get the last drink on the tray.

She gives we a flirt smile and hands me a piece of paper before she walks away this time. Without looking at it I let it fall from my hand.

Women can be so easy sometimes in the most obvious way.

"Mr Huggins deh round ya suh... yuh know him nuh like to be seen. Grab that and fawud" he says referring to the bottle of Hennessy.

"Ah...gi mi a minute" I tell him, wanting to let Yanique know I'm making a move first. It don't even feel right leaving her here for a second even though I know once she has been seen with me no one will dare to make a move on her.

"Jada can stay wid her bro" my brother tells me as he walks to the room not looking back.

Jada overheard him and looks up at me with a grind. I don't particularly like her but I guess the idea better than having my woman sitting here alone pretending to be occupied by her phone screen.

Jada is a girl Lawrence fuck when he's in Jamaica . I think she is a flight attendant and they met on one of his flights to England.

I nod at Jada and she moves over to Yanique before I leave the room.

Yanique's POV

I feel like my every move is being watched. I can literally feel eyes boring holes inside me. Underneath unfriendly gazes I try to search the room for Lando, now realizing that he ...left

Wait , he left me here alone, my heart starts pounding and I'm now shaking like a leaf.

"He went in that room with his brother . He'll be out soon." A female voice says to me, I look over my shoulder to see the girl that was seated next to Lawrence now standing behind me with a bright smile showing her perfect teeth.

Wow, she's beautiful.

"Hi! I'm Jada... Yanique right?" She sits next to me on the couch and we exchange a handshake. She is so formal and well spoken. I wonder how she ended up here, well she could be wondering the same about me. Both of us look completely odd from the other girls here but she is a lot more relaxed than I am, you can tell this is not all new to her like it is to me.

I then realize I haven't said anything which has made the introduction awkward.

"Ohhh ... yes I'm Yanique. Nice to meet you" I finally say.

"I use to do that too"

Unaware of what she is referring to I knit my brows.

"That thing when you pretend to be busy on your phone but just scrolling through your gallery when you're surrounded by unfamiliar faces" she laughs and takes a drink of whatever is in her cup.

I giggle because it is all true.

"Oh" I say...she seems like fresh air. I relax a little.

"You have any idea what he's doing in there and how long it will take?" I then ask her.

"Nope , I don't ask and he doesn't tell but I'm assuming it is something urgent, Lawrence doesn't waste time"

I wonder if they are together. I've never seen him with anyone before but she seems like a girl that would go for a jacket and tie person.

None of your business.

"Lando the same" I say as I check my phone to see a message from my dad.

* Remember we are meeting tomorrow Yanique. Don't change your mind. Love you*

The message reads.

I don't reply because I'm afraid he might call if I do.

Probably he'll think I'm asleep.

"Huh?" Jada says , I then look up at her.

I totally suck at having conversations, I missed what she said before.

"What was that?"

"I said how long have you guys been together ?"

"Oh.. four months" her eyes light up as the words leave my mouth. She looks shocked.

"Lucky you! I've known his brother for almost three years and I've never seen Lando bring a female here or dated anyone for more than a week" she laughs.

I look at her deadpan.

That's news to me , actually I've never met anyone who shared anything about his past with me besides his mother and she doesn't say much.

"You wanna go outside ? Make time speed up... they might be in there for awhile" she says and it's music to my ear. I'm tired of sitting here, going outside doesn't seem like a bad idea.

"Sure" I tell her and take my bag from the couch before we leave the house.

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