*Chapter 34*

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Yanique POV

So I said all of that for him to just walk away !
All of a sudden he remembered about a house key for his brother and it's that urgent , this is ridiculous!

I want to follow him and demand that he stays here and talk to me but sadly I'm not that boldfaced so I decide not to act on my impulse. Nothing good will come out of it.

Lando is so unpredictable, you just don't ever know which side he will choose to give you.

I wonder if all men are like this , or is this what relationships come with?

I have zero expertises in this area, Lando is pretty much my first in everything so it's really impossible for me to make a comparison right now.

I should ask Patrice for some advise. She would definitely know what to do since she is quite the expert when it comes on to men but how will I explain what's going on in my life without saying too much?

I need to pray.


I'm exhausted at this point ,I really don't have the energy to go another round of fighting with him. I lay in bed for a few minutes, puzzled.

He really just left the room so abruptly.

The door opens and I'm electrified when he walks into the room with a tray that has a plate of what looks and smells like Chinese food. There's also a cup of orange juice , another cup of a milky beverage, guess that's ensure and a small bowl of pineapple slices.

"Just for now , until I get back from off the road" he tells me before placing the tray on the bed. He kisses my forehead.

Hello? Weren't we just in the middle of something important?

He has no intention of picking up where we left off ... instead he acts as if we are on a vacation and he is serving me dinner in bed. My heart sinks in disappointment, we are getting nowhere with this.

What does he mean until he gets back?

Is he planning on taking that long?

"Won't be long ... so please consume until mi fawud." He place another kiss on my cheek then leaves the room , not even giving me a chance to say anything.

I roll my eyes and sit in the bed, afterwards I gently pull the tray towards me.I hate being left alone with my thoughts to overwhelm me.

I haven't even gotten a reaction out of him about the whole situation with my dad. I know he understands how serious it is and what it might mean for us but he just didn't bulge one bit , it's as if none of this fazes him like it does me.

How can he just not say anything!

I decide to force myself to eat the food in front of me before it gets cold even though the only thing I want to do right now is sleep but I have to think about our baby.

I'm sharing my body with someone else so it's really just not about me alone anymore. I rub my stomach to remind myself of my reality and even in such a horrible time I still manage to faint a smile just thinking of meeting our child soon.

It's funny how I'm 4 weeks in and it's not visible.

"Where are you hiding ?" I ask, looking down at my slightly bloated stomach.

Lando's POV

I need this day to be fucking over.

I was taught that silence can be away of saying a lot without saying anything , but I really preferred leaving everything to her imagination rather than putting her in danger. The less she knows is the better and Yanique seem to can't fucking understand that.

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