*Chapter 55*

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Yanique's POV

Montego Bay,Jamaica

Jessica rolls the paint brush over the wall, doing the final coat. Now we just need to wait until it's dry to do the decorating, we'll save that for another day. Nothing has brought me so much joy these last few months but seeing my baby's room come together makes me feel accomplished.

"We need to clean up and get going" She tells me as I remove the newspapers from the floor.

"Can we skip gym today! I'm swore" I whine.

Our last 'therapy session' over the phone led to me pledging to do more , show up more which includes going to the gym to get my mental health back on track.

Oh lord why did I make them convince me this is a good idea! It's actually torture!

Patrice and Jessica really set mi up!

"It's only been few days Yan... your body will get back into the rhythm, plus Mi love see yuh ina di cute gym clothes" she starts helping me to clean up.

"Okay, okay ! I hope you know the baby isn't happy about this" I rub my stomach. This is the only excuse I have, it works all the time when I need to buy myself out of doing something.

"I'm sure the baby loves having a sexy mama!"

Okay that's a fail attempt but whatever ...

"Aunty can't wait to find out your gender!!!" She squeals and starts making silly faces at my stomach. She claims the baby likes this kind of thing, I beg to differ.

Speaking of the gender ....

"Jessica remember I don't want a big gender reveal! Just close family and friends! By that I mean , you ,Patrice , Miss Wright , Jade, and Lawrence" I have to take the time to list everyone's names or else I can assure there will be a full house ! Patrice will invite our entire college batch mates and Jessica will invite the entire church.

"Just relax .. Patrice did say she's bringing her plus one, I forgot this one's name..Ahhhmmmm" Jessica says.

"It begins with M... Melvin, Oh no! ...Malcolm" I shout .

We chuckle! I love the relationship my friends have built since I introduced them. Who said you can't have a healthy trio ?

It's the only good thing that has come from my break up, it pulled us together and made a beautiful friendship. I wouldn't trade it for anything !

"Wait until mi tell her you couldn't remember her man name tomorrow! She's still coming to church right?" Jessica ask me.

Here we go again! Jessica really will not rest until she has all of us inside church this Sunday. Patrice has already agreed to visiting but I know it's only so she can see the photos from the photoshoot I did Wednesday. She would go crazy if she wasn't here in person to unbox the package when it gets here.

I love her support , and Jessica has also been super supportive so I'll make sure I'm in church tomorrow.

"Yes ... both of us will be there"

We are finish cleaning up , I need to take a bath and get ready for gym.

I also need to check my email, I should be expecting a message from the Toronto General Hospital. I've applied to do my internship there , so that's exciting!

"Good! I'll dispose of these while you take a shower"

Jessica is already dressed and ready to go which makes it stressful for me since I enjoy long baths and I know she'll kill me if I'm the reason why we're running late.

I rush through my face routine then quickly take a shower. I already thought of my outfit while I was inside the bathroom so I grab the blue bikers tights and black oversized T-shirt from my closet.

"Wow ! Your name is Miss Barry Allen and you're the fastest woman alive" Jessica comes into the room making a joke when she realizes I'm almost finished.

I laugh as I put on my black Yeezy sneakers then pick up my gym bag.

Jessica is driving today!

Thank God , I get to be a passenger princess again.

"You na leave noting?" She ask me when we get to the car, what a perfect timing. She's driving her dad's car today since hers is at the mechanic. Inside smells like a strong male cologne , uuggh!

"No ... I have my house key ,gym bag and phone" I tell her and she starts driving.

The gym is approximately 10 minutes drive away from where I live.

"So you found a dress for the gender reveal ?"

Auuggg! Not this question

The maternity photoshoot was already a lot of work now this...
I should be excited for all these events but doing them without him feels like hell!

Besides,I feel like a pumpkin ready to explode, so no I'm not thrilled about choosing a dress.

"No I haven't" I answer truthfully.

"I'll send you some ideas when I get the time" she says.

Jessica is always willing and ready to help.

"Okay ...have you found a dress?"I ask. We come to a stop in traffic , when suddenly a biker pulls up beside her car and knocks on the window. My heart sinks.

Thankfully her windows are tinted.

He removes his helmet, I know this face.

"What the hell!!!" Jessica shout, already in panicking mood.

"I know him" I tell her and she looks at me in shock.

I remember his face from the dead yard Lando and I attended a few months ago.

He knocks again , and Jessica is eager for the light to change. She stares at it as if her life depends on the flick of the color.

"Pull the window down Jess, he's a friend of Lando" I say.

She looks at me then at him before she complies.

"Why yuh tek suh long ...suppose di light di change and mi start buss shot afta yuh tires?" Clarks ask in the most ruthless tone.

Wait what!!

I will not allow him to interrogate my friend like this

"Excuse me!" I sass

"Dis a wah new car...di Don just wah mek sure yuh good. Big up unu self"

The light changes and he speeds off , leaving Jessica and I staring at each other in total disbelief.

I don't know what just happened but I am certain who he's referring to as 'di Don' and once Lawrence is behind it , I already know who else is.

"Di Don? ...how he knows I have a new car! Yanique what just happened?" I can see the veins popping through Jessica's head as she drives.

"I have no idea, I really don't know Jess"

I feel awful.
She has all right to direct her frustration at me.

For the first time in a long while I want to pick up my phone and call him!

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