*Chapter 5*

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Yanique's POV

The drive back home is awkward and I can tell I've upset him. He keeps tapping on the steering wheel and shifting uncontrollably in his seat .

He must have a lot to say but so do I. I am still trying to understand what happened awhile ago. I mean I do understand it, I'm a med student, I can tell the science behind all that happened but emotionally and religiously I can't begin to comprehend any of it.

I want to say something because I don't want him to feel bad , I don't blame him for any of it . I wanted it to happen but that was all in the moment.

I sigh in disbelief.

He pulls up to my house , it is really late .

"If there is something wrong just say it . We anuh pickney!" He shouts. I am startled by his tone.

"What does this mean for us ?" I ask. I really need to know.

"What do you mean?" He parks the car and turns to face me. "What are you asking Yanique?"

"We are from complete different worlds Lando, I know to you it doesn't mean anything but I just gave you access to my body and I want to know what does it mean..."

He shakes his head. "We are from complete different worlds . That's obvious right ? You are from a fucking world that is filled with butterflies and angels.

I'm from the world where it is okay to have oral sex with a girl you like , so what ?"

I can't believe him. I hear him , but his words are aggressive and I don't know how to respond.

"You knew we were from complete different worlds Yanique.... Not because all of this happened means it's okay for you to just fucking bring that up" he adds.

That's it . I will not sit and listen to him speak to me like this.

"Just forget I ever asked ! Pretend it didn't even happen !" I shout.

He locks the car doors as I'm about to leave the car.

"Yuh fraid mi aguh seh something to ruin yuh perfect reputation or it is just sad dat I am di first to touch yuh! Di man wid di fucking tattoos and not cut out for yuh holy world" I am hurt he thinks that way about me.

"I didn't say that" I struggle to hold back my tears.

"You don't have to , your actions and choice of words says it all" he starts the car engine and the clicking sound indicates that he has unlocked the car doors, I immediately open the door and leave before he sees me crying.

This turned out to be a horrible night.

He doesn't leave until I get inside my house , then I hear the car speed off.

I finally let go of my tears . Crumbling down in my sins.
What have you done Yanique!

"Yanique sweetheart" my mother calls me

I quickly wipe my tears.

"Hey" I greet her .

"Happy to see you're home in one piece." She hugs me. "Are you okay?"

I want to tell her no, but I know she will want to find out every detail and I can't share this much with her .

"I'm okay" I managed to say.

"When am I going to meet your friend" she smiles . "Don't think I haven't realized you have a new friend"

"Soon" or more like never . "Mom I'm tired , we'll finish up in the morning"

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