*Chapter 47*

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Yanique's POV
Tuesday 8:35am




Don't cry..

Oh.my.God... how many times will I cry !

I furiously wipe away my tears for the hundredth time then wash my face with the warm water streaming from the faucet before I turn it off and leave the bathroom.

Lando didn't sleep here last night , he left after our argument and when I woke up he was nowhere to be found.

I mentally remind myself that my life continues , I have an exam then plans afterwards with Patrice.

I suddenly feel like I should cancel those plans , but then she'll have questions and I'm really not in the mood to chit chat.

I can do this!

I can go about my day without being fazed by all of this , all I need to do is focus on the exam before I realize the day will already be over.

Stay focus...
Stay busy ..
You'll be fine ..

I check my phone one last time before I grab my keys and leave my apartment.

I didn't have breakfast so I'll stop at Juicy Beef when I get to the campus , since I don't have to pick up Patrice I'll have enough time to do so. She called me earlier to notify me that her new boo will be carrying her to school. She sounded happy , so I'm happy for her.

2:34 pm

After what feels like a long battle between my thoughts and my reality and an undefeated sentence to difficult exam questions, I'm finally able to take in the fresh air as I sit inside my car with the windows down.

I'm still parked on campus , waiting for Patrice to come out of the admission office . She needs a status letter , I had no idea it would take this long to pick it up.

It feels like there is a beatbox inside my head. I recline my seat and get a little comfortable, Lando would never be pleased to know I have the windows down and I'm inattentive to my surroundings.


My heart breaks a little more each time his name pops up inside my head.

With minutes now gone by I decide to surrender to my taunting urge to check my phone.

Still nothing from him.

I roll my eyes and start the car engine. Patrice is right in time , I try to put on my best smile already knowing I don't have to fake anything with her but I prefer to not talk about what happened yesterday.

"Heeey baby mama!" She reaches across and hugs me as soon as she gets into my car.

"Hi Aunty" I hug her back before I check my review mirror and reverse out of the parking lot. I'm so happy to leave so without any hesitation I press on the gas and soon we are on our way to half way tree.

Patrice has been on her phone while I drive , very unusual but from the look on her beautiful face I can already tell she is being entertained by Mr. new guy.

"Suh you decide what yuh aguh do to your hair?" She puts away her phone as if she's now realizing I am in the car with her.

"Yes, I'm gonna cut it." I say , remembering how excited I was at first to show it off to Lando.

Things can really change in a split second.

"Okay , I think that's gonna suit you" she tells me and afterwards she starts googling me with her eyes in the most uncomfortable ' I have something to say' kind of way.

"What?" I laugh nervously.

"So Yanique when yuh did a plan fi tell me seh Lando is the brother of Mobay's most notorious Don? .... Not to be in your business, actually...to be very much in your business as you are in mine. Why did you leave out that detail Miss girly"

Wait what?

I am minutes away from our location, we'll be couple minutes early for our appointment but I don't want to take this conversation inside, I'd prefer to leave it in the car.

"I like Dons ... at least fi set a link with his brother ..not even dat?" She giggles, lightening the mood.

"How did you come about that information Miss Patrice" I ask curiously .

"My uncle... him and Lando went to college together daaah! Afta unu drop mi off him nuh stop question mi how mi know such man, dats how I found out he's feared but also respected by so many people because his name holds such a high power....mmmmm, yuh know nobody cya trouble yuh girl ?" She rants on about how highly her uncle speaks of Lando. I wish we didn't have to talk about him today, I can't hide the sadness I feel just thinking about how broken we are in such a time like this. Who would have guessed it to be this way?

I thought we'd be the happiest expecting our child, instead he tells me he's going to England for a few months!

One more thing to add to my pile of problems.

I sigh.

"Y'all aren't on good terms don't ?" Patrice ask me but it sound more like she is telling me, it's her specialty to pick up on the small things a lot of people would look over.

"We are good... just a little hiccup .." I lie, even though I shouldn't.

"Girl mi guh through too much heartbreak fi nuh know one when mi seet... you want to talk about it Yan" her tone changes, she is now mushy and concern.

I don't think I can get through talking about him without crying but it is worth a try.

"I want to migrate to Canada after college but he thinks I'm depriving him of spending time with our child. It's just complicated I guess, I ... I just don't want to give up on my dreams ,besides nurses don't get paid well here anyways" I give in, trying to stay calm and straightforward.

I really need someone to talk to.

Patrice takes a few seconds to process what I said. We are now parked in front the salon .

"Well mek mi put on mi big woman panty fi dis cause dis a big people tings.
I could understand if you had to go out and look better for your child when he or she gets here if you were with someone who isn't financially stable to take care of a child but in your case , your partner is more than able to do so. I'm not saying you should give up on your dream but I think you should alter it a little so that the father of your child can fit into it , like it or not he is apart of your life and should be treated as such. Maybe you can still migrate but on good terms with your partner so that he still feels like he has the family he wants and if you guys can come to that agreement then everything should be fine."

"But how do I do that ? He's not trying to listen to anything that has to do with me migrating at all"

I check my watch, it's time for us to get inside before our spot is taken. I take my coach handbag from the backseat.

"Approach the situation differently, probably give him a better timing, something that works for both of you"she advises me before we step out of the car.

Wow, she really nuh know a thing about having to deal with Lando. He's a very nonchalant, cut to the point kind of person.

"Mi woulda tell yuh fi carry him guh church but Lando a badman so get out your best lingerie and afta yuh put it pan di bwoy , mek him know what's the full hundred, come with a plan too.. step by step cause your man look like the stern type suh nuh badda waste nuh time."

I smile at her, the difference between Patrice and I is that I'm not that bold to do such a thing. All I want is for us to sit and have a conversation like adults without his anger boiling. We stop talking as soon as we get inside the salon.

Thank God it's only us , our nail tech in unoccupied which is a blessing! I could almost scream in excitement,this means I get to do my hair while Patrice can get her nails done.

Praise the heavens.

Church girl and di scammerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora