20) Endless Horror

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The Ball was edging closer everyday.

Countless worries about it ran through Evelynn's mind relentlessly, in lessons, at lunch, her studying, even when she was trying to sleep.

She kept imagining Tedros and Agatha walking in together, dancing together...kissing each other. It ate at her soul and constantly distracted her, so much she had begun to forget the real threats at the school.

"Sophie's getting out of control." Agatha blurted, after pulling Evelynn aside in the lunch hall.

"She has been for weeks, what's changed?"

"I need to help her, Lynn."

Evelynn rolled her eyes. "Sophie made her choice. I knew she was evil from the beginning anyway."

Agatha looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Smash those rose tinted glasses of yours, Agatha. Sophie's always been selfish. All she's cared about since we got dumped in this school is getting what she wants, what has she done for you, for me? She wants Tedros, we can't speak to him. We want to go home, we can't until she's finished. She's pathetic in the trial, everyone else has to protect her, while she does nothing. She couldn't even help the Prince she's supposedly in love with. And now she doesn't have that prince? She's turned evil and is plotting to destroy us both. So...how are you going to help her, exactly?"

Agatha's brows furrowed in frustration. "Sophie's been brainwashed, Lynn."

"Oh yeah? By who?"

"Evil. It's overcome her. Trust me, I know Sophie and- I know she's good, truly."

Evelynn's expression was no longer laced with overwhelming emotion like usual, she stared blankly at her friend with no sympathy. "Well maybe the Sophie you knew is gone, maybe she never existed. Because the one I know, is a selfish brat. And you should realise that."

Agatha clenched her jaw. "I think you're starting to sound more like a selfish brat at the moment. Evelynn."

Evelynn hesitated, not expecting that response. Agatha turned and walked away.



Evelynn dressed well for the ball, she picked out a gown from the groom rooms, and even shape shifted back into her old hair for the evening.

Physically, she was fine, mentally, she was so ill prepared she felt like she could collapse at any minute. She had no idea what would happen at the ball, but she had a terrible feeling it would not go well. She half-expected Sophie to appear with all her new Never friends and crash the ball, and Evelynn had no clue what she'd do if that happened.

She left her room early to find Chaddick, because he had essentially become the only person she could trust in the school.

Eventually when she found him she breathed a sigh of relief. Because it meant she wouldn't have to enter that ballroom on her own.

His eyes widened when he saw her. "Woah Lynny you changed your hair back."

She nodded dismissively. "Yeah, only temporarily. Um, are you freaked out about the ball? Cause I am."

Chaddick sucked in a breath through his teeth. "Um, not really...why would you be freaked out about a ball?"

"Because of the Nevers? The descendants of evil? Sophie's obviously plotting something and-"

"-Just chill," Chaddick cut her off, "us Ever boys can defeat them easily. And you know Tedros will protect you, even if you guys are arguing."

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