18) Betrayal

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Evelynn and Agatha were trooped along with the rest of the Evers on the way to the circus of talents. It was held in the auditorium, and previously its existence was unbeknownst to Evelynn.

When they walked in it looked magnificent, rows of chairs all pointed to a rounded, large stage, stairs descending along the side, with Wolves and Fairies ordering the Evers and Nevers to their seats.

"This is mad. Did you know this was here?" Evelynn muttered, nudging Agatha's arm to get her attention.

"No." Agatha looked incredibly overwhelmed, and Evelynn was confused until she saw nearly every pair of eyes trained on her friend.

Everyone in the hall was staring gobsmacked at Agatha.

Evelynn glanced between Agatha and them. "Oh." She grabbed her friend's wrist lightly, pulling her down the steps and avoiding the watchful eyes.

However there was one pair of eyes that caught Evelynn's attention the most. The sapphire blue ones shining across the room, Tedros's. But to Evelynn's surprise he didn't look at her once, he was looking at Agatha.

And he was smiling.

Evelynn felt sick.

"Who is that?" Someone muttered.

"Is she new?" Another.

"She looks familiar..."

"Who is she?"

"It's Agatha you morons!" Evelynn snapped, throwing glares.

Agatha stifled a laugh.

They kept walking, Evelynn noticing the glum expressions of the wolves and the fairies dotted around the room...they looked miserable.

"Welcome all." Pollux announced from the stage as Evelynn and Agatha took their seats.

Evelynn slumped back into her chair, her face emotionless as she watched the dog reunited with his other half.

Other teachers stood behind the two headed dog, looking upon their students critically.

"Today you will all take part in the circus of talents, in which you will perform what you've learnt about your talents during the school year. Each year the competition is rated by the School Master, who will decide the winner based on who performs the best."

"Guaranteed it's an Ever every time." Agatha grumbled.

Evelynn nodded, then felt confused. "But why would an evil School Master always pick an Ever to win?"

Agatha frowned. "That's a good point...maybe he wants people to think he's good, but, why would a Never want to appear as an Ever? They hate us."

Evelynn shrugged. "To gain false trust, trickery, manipulation." Her eyes drifted to the back of Tedros's head across the room, his curly golden locks brushing the back of his chair.

"I'm really sorry about what happened Lynn." Agatha said solemnly, following her gaze.

Evelynn's eyes narrowed, she looked ahead again. "Yeah. I'm sorry too."

"STOP TALKING!" Castor yelled. The mutters in the auditorium faded to silence.

Pollux side eyed him. "Thank you Castor...um yes, we will announce each student in alphabetical order and they will perform their talent. Now," He smiled slowly - a rare phenomenon from Pollux. "Let us begin."


Each student took their turn performing their unique talents. Some were disastrous, some impressive. Hester showed off her demon, Dot turned various objects to chocolate, Anadil got her rats to perform an extravagant trick and then, then it was Sophie's turn.

The Third Reader - The School for Good and EvilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora