13) I Want You

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Everyone gawked at Agatha holding Tedros's shield. Tedros's hand brushed the cut on his chest, his eyes wide and full of shock.

Evers and Nevers came charging through the forest, clapping and whooping excitedly.

"Tedros and Sophie won the tournament! A never and an ever!" They chanted, but stopped as they saw how Tedros was looking at Sophie, the distance between them. It was then that they knew, good and evil could never be united.

A gap between the Evers and Nevers suddenly became clear as they stepped away from each other, and the teachers with them looked confused, uncertain of what to do next.

"Not just them." Chaddick was there, at the front, "Evelynn and Agatha too."

Evelynn felt the troubled eyes turn to her, but she couldn't feel anything positive regarding her win. She wanted to, but she couldn't, because of what it did to the young souls participating, the division between the two 'sides' only growing with every competition, test, lesson. It was torture. And the only hope of uniting evil and good, changing the ways of the past...was ruined.

But there was one thing that was different, one thing that opposed this rule. She remembered what she'd been told during her time at the school:

"Ultimately you are good or bad, you can't change no matter how much you want to."

"It's the only way things should be, and it's not going to change anytime soon."

The evil attack, punish, hurt, take, hate. The good defend, forgive, help, give, love.

"Your soul is good or bad, there is no in between."

"One good, one evil..."

One neither.

Evelynn didn't have a side. She couldn't be part of the school, she couldn't be in a fairytale, because she had no side.

"Evelynn?" Professor Dovey caught her attention. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Evelynn shook her head, holding her arms to her torso and heading back in the direction the students had come.

"I need to go." She muttered, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Lynn," Hester tried to get her attention, "Lynn?"

Evelynn turned on her heel with a glare, "What Hester?" She snapped, feeling the familiar hot anger growing behind her eyes.

"I didn't intend for what happened- I-"

"You nearly killed him. It doesn't matter what you intended. And at least wait until your fairytale before turning into an evil witch."

Evelynn increased her pace, leaving the scene with mutters and judgement from those watching. What she didn't notice were her irises burning red hot.



Evelynn had grown fed up of people bothering her, saying that stupid nickname in that stupid questioning tone. "What."

Agatha walked closer to her, she was leaning on an ever balcony.

"Do you want to go back to our dorm with me?"


Agatha sighed, "What you did out there was...really cool. You beat so many people, and you helped Sophie even when all she's done has affected you."

The Third Reader - The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now