"Akio can see the animal spirits around each and every one of you. If you were to harness them, you could do what us brothers do" Ikkou gestured at he, his twin and Dantzer. All of them looked confused, Ikkou only sighed. "We can turn back into our fox spirits, it's not hard. You could go back to being turtles, reptiles or even a pigeon. Everyone, although they may not know it, has an animal spirit inside of them. Whether they use it is up to them. Some of us are stuck with it whether by experiment or because they can't control it" Ikkou explained, looking directly at Saki then Karai who shifted beside Leonardo. The blue masked teenager did not look impressed the slightest. 

"Also, some of you have different animal spirits to what you actually were" Ikkou said with a bored expression, his nephew seemed to be mirroring his stance with the exception of Raphael nodding off asleep. The pregnant teen looked sick and was pale white.

"Okay thanks for the history lesson. So Leo! What's the plan?" April asked Leo who looked at the mutanimals who all nodded to say they were with him with whatever he decided. Akio and Dantzer had moved to the bathroom so the older one could do first aid on him while Ikkou caught up with Saki. 

Tigerclaw turned to face his sister when Raphael's body caught his eye. His son was fast asleep on the counter, his back leaning against the fridge and his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He looked peaceful but uncomfortable. 

"You might want to move him before the clown twin brings humour into the soon to be arguments" Alopex said gesturing to Ikkou with a smile, Tigerclaw only shook his head as he scooped Raphael into his arms, "Can you handle this? I need to see if I can contact Aruma?" Tigerclaw whispered quietly to his sister. "Go, I've got this. I'm gathering you will be on your own floor?" Tigerclaw shook his head, "I will be in Raphael's room. Tell Leonardo for me" Alopex nodded watching as her brother left. 

The Hamato Clan didn't even notice the absence of their family members, all but one. Casey smiled at Alopex and the two shared a nod. For a whole two hours, the Clan made different plans. It turned out Splinter was captured and held in the old TCRI facility. An abandoned one just outside of town, not far from the farmhouse. The problem was the catacombs underneath the facility would be the major step back. As satellite imagery didn't really help and as much as Donnie hacked into it, he couldn't find a direct way in. 

By this point, Dantzer had fallen asleep leaning against the masked Akio, the man hadn't said a word but continued to sign to both Saki and Ikkou. 

"Yo man what's the deal!" Casey directed his words at Akio, "What's with the mask and no words?!" Casey said insensitively. April slapped his head but she was wondering the same thing. Akio only turned to look at Ikkou who wore an angry look. Saki had a hand on his arm, he gestured a sign with his hand at the twins. Ikkou frowned, he picked up the sleeping Dantzer and stormed out the room with Akio following. 

"Where are they going, Shredhead?" Casey asked. Oroku Saki only shook his head, he looked at Alopex before he left the room after his brothers. It was only then that Leonardo noticed Raphael's absence. The oldest Hamato frowned, shifting to look around the room when a hand landed on his arm, "He's upstairs with Tigerclaw in your room" , Alopex explained. Leonardo frowned, letting out a breath. He turned to look over the plan when something caught his vision. 

A singular red dot was aimed at Mikey's chest. His eyes widened as did Donatello's.

Footsteps behind them and a bang alerted the group to something. It sounded like a scuffle in the corridor. 

Casey and April moved to investigate with Leatherhead shifting left Mikey vulnerable to the one controlling the red dot.

A voice from the doorway alerted them all.

"GET DOWN!" April screamed. 

Bodies dropped to the floor on instinct, Leo dived for his youngest brother just as the glass around them shattered from bullets flying. A loud booming sound came from below. 


His brother's scream alerted him to the shaking of the building as the floor gave out on them. Hands grabbed him pulling him in one direction, the open air assaulted his lungs just as his eyes closed. His ears opened to what sounded like the roaring of the building crashing down to the ground.

"LEO WAKE UP!" Mikey's scared voice reached his ears, Leo sat up abruptly to find himself on the rooftop of a nearby building. Mikey held a grappling hook in his hand. Leo grabbed his scared brother and pulled him into his arms. Mikey cried feeling safe in his big brothers arms. The clearing of a throat made him look around to see Casey, April, Alopex and the mighty mutanimals.

"Where's Donnie?" Leo asked. April had tears in her own eyes as she pointed behind the leader in blue. Leo turned only to gasp. The apartment complex was now a huge pile of rubble. 

His eyes drifted all around trying to find the others. 

"Guys, where's Raph?"

The worry evident in his tone…

All heads hung.


"I can't feel anyone Leo"

"No!" Leo tightened his grip on Mikey just as movement to the right alerted him to a few individuals. 

Donatello appeared climbing over the side of the building with a disgruntled Karai and….

"FATHER?!" Leo had never felt so confused as Hamato Yoshi appeared.

But that would soon all change…


The leader in blues eyes narrowed, this felt wrong. He looked at his father and then noticed something totally off. Since when did his father have purple eyes? Reached forward, Leo grabbed his siblings. The three of them were startled. Karai looked at her brother in shock.

"Just who are you?" Leo asked.

"Good eye Leonardo. My name is Sid and I am the leader of the Crux Clan" as he said that he changed forms to a black wolf with purple eyes and a streak of white across his left eye before he switched to his human form. The man smirked when he brought his gun up. 

"Now you are all going to come with us or I will kill your father…" Sid said with a smile as their father was dragged in chains by two wolves from a nearby van. 

"No you won't," Casey said mockingly. 

"Won't I, let's test it. Who do you love more in this little family? The orange one or purple one? Hmm" Sid said with a psychotic look. Leo put himself in the way as the gun was brought up. 

"GET DOWN!!!" 

Ta Da! Two shorter chapters but more to come soon!
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Please be patient! :)
Until next time!

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