"Wait," came a deep voice. "You don't need to do that."

She turned, and a cute boy with black hair and silver bangs was reaching out for her, quietly. "It's okay to cry," he said gently, sitting next to her.

That made her tears well up even more.

She wiped her face again, and streaks of her makeup came away on her jumper sleeve.She swore, and the mystery boy tilted his gaze towards her. "What's up?"

She winced. "Got makeup on my... my stupid jumper. I just... I don't know."

He nodded, and she looked up at him. "I get it," he said. "Jumpers are a very big deal, you know?"

She snorted, and her tears sped up.

He paused for a long moment. "Are you okay?" he asked finally.

She shrugged and decided to let all her problems out on this stranger. I mean, what else was she gonna do? Run away? "My brother doesn't listen," her voice was supposed to be full volume, but instead, it came out in a whisper. She hated that she was so weak that she couldn't even say that at full volume

"No?" he asked, his voice sounding wary.

She winced. "Yeah. My brother wants me to be something I'm not. He wants... He wants someone perfect. I couldn't be perfect if I tried. I mean, look at me," she chuckled. "Even as much makeup as he demands I wear can't cover it up."

The mystery boy remained quiet.

"He's always so mad when I do something wrong, and no one ever sees it. It's just for me, you know?"

He went very still.

Biana took a deep breath. "Sorry to lay all this on you," she said. "But sometimes it just... it really hurts."

"What made it hurt so bad tonight?" he asked, his voice mostly removed, in a way that made her heart crack.

"He wants me to marry my friend's cousin," her voice cracked. "He thinks that's all I'll ever be worth, anyways. She's the daughter of the mayor. I'm only worth what I marry into, so I need to marry as well as possible," she laughed bitterly.

"He probably just wants what's best for you," the mystery boy said quietly.

Biana shook her head. "I want to meet my soulmate," she said. "I want to at least know who they are before I marry anybody," her voice aching. "But my brother thinks it's not worth it. He's outright said he doesn't care what I think. I need to get over my hopes of ever finding them and just... realize that they'd never want me anyway."

He said nothing.

She shrugged. "But I can't marry Dex. He's great," more tears fell from her eyes, "But I don't see him that way. Neither of us like each other. I'd like to at least marry someone I like," she tucked her face into her knees. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, even though she knew it was muffled. "This is way too much information."

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