A new life-part two(sokeefe)

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Sophie and Keefe lay together on the bed, their hands resting on Sophie's swollen belly. "I wonder what you guys are going to be like," Keefe whispered, his voice filled with anticipation. They had recently discovered they were expecting twin girls, and the news had brought them immense joy.

Sophie chuckled. "I'm sure they'll take after you, charming, sweet, and with a knack for getting into trouble." Keefe pouted playfully and rested his chin on her arm. "But they'll also have a mix of both of our incredibly good looks."

He grinned and stylishly flipped his hair, which seemed to get even better looking as he entered his early twenties, if that was even possible.

"I love you three," Sophie said, smiling as she rubbed her growing belly. In response, she felt a gentle kick, a reminder of the life growing inside her. She was now eight and a half months pregnant, and the discomfort had been increasing. "Hey baby, can you get me a heating pad? They're getting a bit restless."

Keefe nodded and walked off to the kitchen. However, Sophie suddenly felt a sharp and unbearable pain, a realization hitting her like a wave. It was happening. She was going into labor.

(i dont think i knew a lot about pregnancy when i wrote this lol)


Keefe sat in the delivery room, cradling both daughters in his arms. He had rushed Sophie to the hospital, and she had delivered the twins in quick succession. Kassidy was the first to arrive, her head adorned with wisps of blonde curls, her wide green-blue eyes filled with wonder as she looked up at her father. Keefe could already sense that she would be the mischievous one.

April, the smaller of the pair, was the spitting image of her mother. She didn't cry much when she entered the world, instead observing everyone with a gaze of remarkable intelligence. Her large brown eyes and dark eyelashes captivated those who met her. As Keefe sat beside his exhausted yet overjoyed wife, he couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man on earth.


Kassidy giggled and ran away from her father, who was attempting to put on her ballet shoes so they wouldn't be late for her rehearsal. "KASSY, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" he playfully roared in mock anger. The cheeky three-year-old laughed and stuck her tongue out at him. "Betcha can't catch me!" With that, she dashed to her parents' bedroom, where April and Sophie were engrossed in a book, sitting on a beanbag.

Kassidy playfully threw herself onto them, and Keefe quickly followed suit. "Noooo!" April exclaimed from beneath her sister. "Kiki, you made us lose our page!" She wriggled free, retrieved the book—apparently a Roald Dahl classic—checked her glasses, and then stomped out of the room.

They all exchanged glances, and Kassidy shrugged before grabbing her shoes and leaving the room. Sophie looked at Keefe with concern. "Don't worry, Fos. She'll be alright."


And indeed, she was. Kassidy grew up to be a successful journalist, traveling the world and eventually meeting the love of her life in Rome. They settled down, surrounded by a multitude of cats with no shortage of love. April, on the other hand, stayed close to home, meeting a quiet yet lovable girl, becoming a teacher, and having a son.

Sophie and Keefe remained by each other's side, cherishing their moments together and watching their children grow up. They smiled throughout the journey. In the end, they passed away peacefully in their sleep on the same night, in the same bed, with their daughters on their minds.

so many people have been attacking me for the fact that they died when they cant just leave me alone i dont know what to change the ending to😭

Okay, that was quite cheesy and fluffy. I don't usually write things like this, but I thought it was incredibly cute! Thank you all 73 of you for reading. I can't believe I've come this far, and it hasn't even been a week. You guys are the best. Please comment, vote, and follow me. Remember to drink water, get enough sleep, and stay healthy, everyone! Also, a random question: What are you guys wearing right now? Because I'm in an "I LOVE HAWAII" T-shirt lmao Alright, I'm going to go now. 


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