A new life(sokeefe)

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"Keefe, I have something I need to tell you."

He gulped, his heart pounding. This couldn't be good. They had already faced so many challenges together—finishing Foxfire, defeating the Neverseen—but it seemed like his wife could still deliver unexpected news.

They were at their house, Harmony Falls, and she gently took his hand, leading him through the familiar rooms.

They were at their house, Harmony Falls, and she gently took his hand, leading him through the familiar rooms

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She guided him to their bed and sat them down, curling up into a ball and tugging at an itchy eyelash.

"C'mon, Foster, tell me. You know you can share anything with me," Keefe reassured her, his fingers entwined with hers. Sophie glanced at their intertwined hands, feeling a mix of emotions. "It's not that, Keefe..." A single tear escaped, but she quickly wiped it away.Keefe pulled her into his lap, holding her tightly. "It's okay, Sophie," he whispered, gently stroking her hair.

Sophie buried her face in his neck, gathering the courage to confess. "I'm... I'm pregnant."Keefe stiffened, the news catching him off guard. "What?" Sophie leaned back, meeting his gaze. "See, I knew I shouldn't have told you. I'm so sorry, Keefe. I'm so, so sorry." She leaned back into his embrace, expecting disappointment.

"Sophie." He used her first name, surprising her. "Yes?" she responded, her voice filled with uncertainty.

He slowly smiled. "So, you have a mini me in your belly."

Sophie playfully punched him in the arm, realizing he wasn't mad. "It'll be half me too, you know."

"Sure." Keefe lifted Sophie off his lap, spinning her around. "Boy or girl?"

"Boy," she replied, a smile lighting up her face. "Then we'll think about a girl."

I know this is short af, but I really wanted to share it with you. I haven't had much time lately due to an upcoming assessment I have to complete by tomorrow midnight. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday, by the way. Anyways, I have to go now, but thank you for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and follow me. I love you bitches so much


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