The Duke

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-The Duke-

His second visit to Bellview was completely different from the first.

It all started at the banquet where he learned that Lydia had not kept quiet and Charles treated him with hostile suspicion. He was interrogated all night until he convinced Charles that his intentions were honorable. Then, instead of suspicion, he was recruited for his services as a spy.

He knocked on the door feeling stupid. How was he supposed to figure out how a woman felt?

The door opened immediately with Ella on the other side.

She opened her own doors. Charming.

"Lady Treval," He bowed lightly. "thank you for extending this invitation to your estate. Bellview looks marvelous this morning."

She stepped back at first, but then she stepped into his greeting.

"You are too gracious, Grand Lord Duke Westire of the Westire estate. You honor me with your arrival." She said with a steep bow that had been stolen straight from Lady Tremaine.

Derrick could not keep a straight face.

"Are you mocking me?"

Somehow Ella managed to school her smile and look shocked.

"No, I would never! You will have to forgive me if I offended you, I am ill-practiced in these sort of introductions. I have never had a Grand Duke at my very own estate, and I guess I am a little stricken by your very presence on my doorstep. Do you prefer Grand Lord Duke or is it Lord Grand Duke, or maybe just Grand Lord. Duke can get a little ostentatious "

Derrick nodded and tried to reign in his laughter. He felt justly chastened.

"Alright, duly noted. I swear I will forsake the formalities."

Her shoulders dropped, "and here I thought I was doing so well." She opened the door to him and waved him inside. "Please come in. Have you been given a tour before?"

"Once or twice I think."

"Good. That means I can skip right through it. If you'll follow me, I put most everything in the kitchen."

She turned to leave him and he kept behind her.

"The kitchen?"

"It's the one place I am sure my stepmother failed to introduce you to."

"You would be right about that. I do not remember the last time I was in a kitchen."

He followed her until she stopped in the hallway outside a door. Warmth wafted past the door and carried the smell of baked goods. 

"I was at a loss on how to thank you for your time. I could not outright offer to pay you as I am not yet sure if I could afford your services, but I have the next best thing."

"You should not feel inclined to offer me any sort of payment I-"

"Yes yes, chivalry, something something something, goodness of your heart." She turned and shrugged. "If I take advantage of all the new friends I am making by forcing them to come and set my house in order, I will lose friends faster than I make them, and I do not know if you have heard, but I am not very good at making friends."

He opened his mouth to protest further, but then she opened what he could only guess was the kitchen door and he was hit with the full aroma of baking.

She smiled at his sudden change in demeanor. "Please, if it makes you feel any better, you can think of it as another favor. You sample a few things and give me your honest opinion."

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