Late Night Intruders

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Trevor had to be the unluckiest person that ever lived. At least, that is what he was thinking to himself as he stood at the castle gates. 

Eddie had won the bet and cashed in on the same day. Now, Trevor was working an extra shift, just standing at the gate waiting for nothing to happen. Nothing had happened yet, and he expected nothing to happen for the rest of the night. He could not have been more wrong. 

He heard the hoofbeats before he saw the horse. Trevor had his sword out, ready for whatever stranger would come to the castle in the middle of the night. He was shocked when the man on horseback came into view of the castle and promptly fell off his horse. 

Trevor looked around momentarily for any signs of life before deciding to go help the old fellow back onto his horse.

"Are you all right?" Trevor asked, flipping the old man onto his back. 

"I need help."

"Yes, I saw. That was some fall."

"No, no. I need you to tell someone. Send some guards. There has been a kidnapping."

"A kidnapping?" 

"A woman was taken from Bellview."

Trevor felt his skin grow cold suddenly. 

"Who was it?" He asked. 

"It was Ellanore. He took Ellanore."

"and she is?"

"Treval. One of the ladies of the house. Please, you need to send someone!" 

Trevor let out a few curses when he noticed the blood down his shirt. Upon further inspection, he saw that the wound was still bleeding.

"I have to get you to-" 

"There is no time. Get help now!" The old man demanded in a crazed voice. 

The man pushed at him with all his strength, and Trevor stumbled backward. The Prince. He had said that there was another Lady of Bellview manor.

"Go!" The man ushered.

Trevor jumped up to his feet and ran to the castle.

"Regret your gambling Trevor?" the doorman asked as he drew nearer.

Trevor ignored his question. "Allen, I need you to find a healer. There's a man at the gate bleeding out. Then wake some men up. Something tells me we are going to have a situation."

Trevor rushed past Allen before he could say anything else.

Trevor made it to the Prince's quarters in record time and pounded on the door. It took only a few moments before the Prince opened. He looked wide awake and justly startled.

"I apologize sire. I would not have woken you if I did not think it was an emergency."

The Prince waved him on, "Yes, what do you need."

"It's only that- well- there was a man who collapsed on the road outside the castle. There has been some sort of kidnapping. He says he is from Bellview. The woman kidnapped was someone named Hellen or Emma. I just thought-"

"Ella?" The Prince stepped out of the room and grabbed him by his uniform.

"Uh, yes. Ellanore!" The name came to his mind. "It was Ellanore."

The Prince turned into his room and slammed the door. He was only gone for a few minutes before he reemerged with boots and his sword strapped to his side.

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