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-The Queen-

The prisons were in a dismal state. The Queen made a mental note to reprimand the warden and write up more guidelines for prison upkeep, but all of that would have to wait. The only reason she even ventured to the dismal place was to see if her son had learned his lesson.

She descended the stairs and followed the directions to her son's cell. Charles sat on the floor, leaning against the bars, completely covered in filth. The Queen felt a pang of guilt. Maybe she had gone too far, but the moment her son met her eyes, and smiled his cocky, self-sure grin, her guilt melted away.

"To what do I owe the honor of being visited by the Queen?" He asked.

Leticia opened her mouth to reprimand her son, but she ended up pacing back and forth instead. What could she say that had not already been said?

"Why?" She asked finally. "Why can't you realize who you are?"

Her son just looked up at her and she grew even more angry. She marched up to the prison door and wrapped her hands around the bars.

"Is this what it needs to come to Charles? Do we need to lock you up? What would your people think of you if they knew you had to be locked in a cell because you hate the kingship?"

Charles stood up and crossed the cell towards her. He stood barely out of reach. She could see bags under his eyes.

"I do not hate the kingship. You have been right this entire time. I am ready to commit completely."

His voice was somber as if he were signing away his life.

"I wonder what lies you would tell me just to get out of this cell." He had already been in there for a day and a half. She thought it would take him a week to crack.

"Peace mother. It is the truth. I am tired of being a man people cannot respect."

Leticia blinked. "People respect you." She said automatically.

"What have I done to earn their respect?"

"You have- well- you are a good man Charles. That is respectable."

He laughed cynically.

"A good man who has done nothing good? I must be a walking riddle."

He looked sufficiently penitent. She had just planned to speak to him, but her anger from his behavior had subsided.

She stepped forward and opened the iron gate with the key the guards had given her.

"You have the next century to show everyone you are the man who I see." 

The Queen stepped forward and pressed the key to his hand.

Charles was out of his chains and free. He rubbed his wrists, and a spark of glee crossed his face when he looked at her. He approached her, covered in filth, his arms outreach towards her.

"If you do that, you will regret it!" The queen said in her most severe voice.

His grin was wide and mischievous. "Didn't you miss me mother?"

"Don't press your luck. I am content to leave you here."

"I will let you be then. There is probably much that has happened that I need to catch up on."

"The first thing you need to catch up on is a shower and then you will be attending the Duchesses' garden party this afternoon."

Charles frowned. He would rather spend the rest of the day in prison than subject himself to an afternoon of trite socialization.

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