Plots and Plans

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-The Queen-

"Our son has been more active than usual."

"What has he done this time?" Her husband was bent over a desk pouring over foreign trade deals.

"He went and visited some prominent families in the city."

"And while he visited them, he-" The Kind ushered, trying to get to the bottom of his wife's complaint.

"Nothing. They were welfare checks. Social callings. He said he wanted to meet his people."

"That's good dear." He said, turning back to his puzzling paperwork.

"I have been telling him to take more responsibility for years and he started now? Why?"

"Is it not enough that he's finally listened to you?"

The Queen scowled at nothing. If her husband did not see the problem then she couldn't very well explain it. If her son was showing a sudden devotion to his role in life then it meant he was maturing, and if his father was any indication, that usually only happened once a woman was involved.

"You need to keep a closer eye on your son." She decided that was the only solution. If they weren't careful, the future Queen could very well be the one maiden who left her shoe behind as a token of love.

"Our son is fine Lettie. You are being too protective." The King sighed and leaned away from his paperwork. The candle was burning low, and he was tired. These papers would hold till tomorrow.

"Our son is the future of this Kingdom. I don't tell you, 'just ignore those scout reports, you're being too protective.' No. It is our job to ensure the safety and prosperity of this kingdom, and whether you like it or not, that means keeping a closer eye on your son."

The King crossed his hands over his chest. On one hand, he could relate to being a young Prince and needing the freedom to be himself before the Kingdom consumed every inch of his life. On the other hand, if he disagreed with his wife now, she could make his life considerably harder.

"You're right dear."

She let out a long breath, "Of course I am right."

The King slipped into bed next to his wife, hoping that his surrender would be the end of it, but he wasn't that lucky. "Now we just need to think of a way to keep him occupied and safe."

-The Fairy Godmother-

There were certain magic rules that needed to be followed. If a magic user abused those rules, there would be consequences delivered by the balancers. 

The Fairy Godmother had been visited by a balancer for the second time in a month. She should not have used a nudge spell on Ella. It would have been different if it led to their magical happily ever after, but it did nothing. 

"This is your summons." The fairy had appeared and then disappeared just as quickly.  

She had broken the rules twice now and she had nothing to show for it. Now, after two warnings, she was summoned. Death loomed ahead without anything to show for it. How could she be so foolish?

-The Prince-

A week of torturous waiting had finally passed, and he was ready. He had visited the kitchen to find a suitable basket and he had them fill it with one of everything they could think of. He had changed his clothes three times now, and he had already saddled his horse.

When early afternoon finally crawled around, Charles gathered everything he had prepared and was ready to leave when his mother caught him in the foyer.

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