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Rumeenah had been on the Isle since as long she could remember- well that wasn't necessarily true. She remembered her mother's face. She remembered how kind her smile was and how she smelt of flowers and old books. Where ever her mother was, it wasn't on the isle. Nothing that beautiful could come from the isle. 

Nothing beautiful was on the isle. 

Rumeenah slammed open the doors to 'Ursula's Fish and Chips shop'. She always hated sea food. The once noisy restaurant was now silent. 

Not a murmur. 

Not even a cough. 

Rumeenah's golden eyes scanned the room before locking her eyes on Uma. She approached her with the confidence of a God. The only sound was now the clicking of her slightly heeled oxford boots. 

"Your rent is due." Rumeenah said, glancing around. This place just gets worse every time, Rumeenah thought to herself. 

"I'm still gathering it. Maybe you should lower your costs. Maybe then we wouldn't be scrambling each time for it." Uma crossed her arms, glaring at Rumeenah. 

"I should raise it just for that comment." Rumeenah put her hand out for Uma to give her the money. "And I do not appreciate liars."

Uma rolled her eyes with the sliver of a smile on her lips. "You really should lower the rent. We have enough trouble with getting fish with the barrier, we don't need your ridiculous prices on top of that." Uma reached into her pocket and pulled out a coin purse, setting it in Rumeenah's open hand. 

"Not my problem. If you have troubles with the rent, talk to my father." Rumeenah opened the bag and began to count. "If it was up to me I would have evicted this entire area." Rumeenah finished counting and looked back up at Uma. "Your short."

"I'm not the one wearing heels." Uma smiled and a laugh came from someone at a table. 

"The money." Rumeenah closed her eyes in annoyance. "You're missing twenty." 

"Oh, how careless of me." Uma faked. She reached into her pocket and pulled out another bag. "How could I be so reckless?" 

"A pity you aren't smart enough to count. The brains of a fish I suppose." Rumeenah counted again, satisfied with the proper number. 

"A shame your used as an errand boy for your father." Uma fired back. 

"At least I'm not a waitress." Rumeenah said before turning around. They didn't hate each other, well at least not too much. That was normal play for them, an insult here, a painful memory or a death threat there. No harm no foul. 

21'"Still, you should come around more often." Uma said low enough so only Rumeenah could hear.  "You know, besides from rent. I need a break from Henry and Gil's stupidity."

"I have many skills, Uma. Socialization outside of business is not one of them." With that Rumeenah walked out. As she walked down the streets people watched her. Her tan skin was perfect with no imperfections. Her nose was sharp with a bump in the middle. Her golden eyes seemed constantly narrowed. Her hair was a hickory brown that seemed darker in some spots and grey in others, it waved in a strange way all the way down to her waist, but carefully slicked back so nothing would touch her face. Somehow a single strand on her head seemed to bounce up every time. 

She wore a long sleeved maroon shirt with a black vest. Black office pants and her black boots. A black cloak that didn't go past her hips (and often fell from one or both her shoulders) but that was all. She didn't dress in leather and chains like most on the isle, at least not in the way they did. Sometimes she would indulge in a leather vest and pants or even have a chained pocket watch, but she was always classy. She didn't look like a hoodlum like the rest of the Villain kids. 

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