Chapter 11 - Aurora

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Last night Riccardo invited me to come with him to a party because it's his friend birthday.

Of course I said no.

But now , I'm standing in front of my wardrobe thinking what to wear because Riccardo is always going to be with his stupid personality and habits.

He came to my door with a bouquet of red roses, and asked me if I'm ready.

And guess what.

I was in my pyjamas.

With hello kitty one.

Now he is sitting on my couch , watching the tv , while, I need to get dressed up.

He said after the party he wants to talk to me about something with business I think.

I don't want to listen to his stupid things but he replied with a ' I know , but it's fast , I promise.'

I wanted to say no but something stopped me of saying that.

If you know the feeling when you want to say something but you can't because you're afraid of 'hurting' that person?

Yep. I have the feeling.

And I feel guilty if I replied with a 'no.' or 'I don't care.'

So here I am.

Thinking if I should put a dark red velvet dress on me or a dark green one.

"The red one." A voice said that makes me to jump.

I see Riccardo leaning against my bedroom door frame.

What the heck.

"Oh my god! Riccardo! You scared the shit out of me." I put my hand on my chest to calm down.

"I forgot you were still here." I mumbled.

"That hurts , love." He replied with a sad face.

"Okay. Stop." I spoke.






"Fine?" I asked.


Ugh, he is so annoying.

"God, you piss me off."  I replied.

"I know, and I enjoy it." Then he comes closer to me.

I instantly blush and then we make eye contact in the mirror.

"Could you please, help me to zip up my dress?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him in the mirror.

"Yes." He mumbled under his breath without taking his eyes off of me.

He zipped my dress and then he kissed my collar bone while holding my hand.

I close my eyes and I don't say anything.

"Shall we go?" He whispered in my ear.

I nodded and I go to my shoemaker and choose a pair of black heels.

I see Riccardo at the front door looking at his watch.

"Do we still have time to arrive at the party?" I ask.

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