Chapter 48

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I watched Eleanor and Bill disappear into the forest. Every word I ever had had been driven out of my body. I felt this sickening jealousy and anger that shook your entire body. I felt like crying and screaming and tearing Bill apart. I ran home and up into the room where Mabel was sitting there, trying to pick the right sweater.

Mabel turned around. "Di-" Her words didn't even come out. She ran up to me and hugged me. She pulled away and looked at me carefully. "Dipper, tell me what happened."

I went straight in. "I asked Eleanor if we could talk and she said yes, so we met to discuss the secrets. She told me and I told her. I told her about Bill and that he couldn't be trusted, but she didn't believe me!" The tears came down again. "A-and she got mad at me and Bill appeared and she-" I couldn't bare to say it. "She kissed him!" I began to bawl.

Mabel jumped. "WHAT?!" She looked mortified. "Why?!"

"I don't know!"

Mabel pushed me off gently. "I need to go talk to her!"

I grabbed her arm. "No! She'll only find a way to hurt you!"

Mabel met my eyes. "Dipper! I can't stand to see you like this! I am going to go do something about it!" She shook her arm away and stormed down to Eleanor's house.

I took a minute to myself to regain myself and got up and went to join Mabel. If I couldn't beat her, I'd join her. I was nearing Eleanor's house when I could see Mabel. I had never seen this sweet girl so enraged.

I looked past Mabel and saw Eleanor talking to Bill up ahead. I started to feel my blood boil.

"Eleanor!" Screamed Mabel.

Eleanor turned to her in surprise. "Mabel?"

"I cannot believe what you just did!" Mabel walked right up to her between her and Bill. "You are positively the worst person I have ever met in my entire life!"

Eleanor looked a loss for words.

"I can't believe you kissed a dream demon to make Dipper jealous!"

Eleanor's face flushed. "What? No!" She answered.

Mabel smacked Eleanor who looked at her, shocked. "You are horrible!"

I ran up to Mabel's side and Eleanor couldn't even meet my eyes. I stood close to her. "I can't comprehend the thought of what you did to me." I whispered to her, my voice as hard as flint.

Bill suddenly took action and levitated me and Mabel away from them. "If you'd excuse me, me and my girlfriend were discussing important matters." He said smoothly.

I exploded. "SHUT UP! She's not your girlfriend! Eleanor! Leave him!"

Bill shook his head. "No Pine Tree, don't you see she loves me?"

Eleanor ran up. "Bill! Shut up! Leave us alone so we can...discuss these matters." She ordered him coldly.

Bill looked surprised, but set me and Mabel down. He gave one last glance at us and disappeared.

Eleanor turned to me. "Dipper I-"

"I don't want to hear it." I said. "You-you came to Gravity Falls to destroy us."

Eleanor flinched.

Mabel couldn't stop trembling. "I can't believe that this has happened...I wanted to be friends with you and-" She looked up, teary eyed. "-you broke us apart."

Eleanor looked away. "Just...Dipper," She faced me, "you're so frustrating!" She sighed angrily. "I'm trying to get close to you, but you don't trust me, you don't want to trust me and...Bill...he's been holding me back."

"Eleanor...listen...I've wanted to be with you but, it's obviously not going to happen." Dipper answered.

"Eleanor," Mabel said, "Dipper and I love knowing you, but...all I feel is regret now."

Eleanor wiped a tear away. "I'm so so sorry...I've never had so much trouble with friends." She grabbed both of our hands. "I'd give anything to start over."

A blue flame suddenly engulfed Eleanor. She was yanked away from us.

"Eleanor!" I cried.

Bill flashed beside her. "Hm, my dear, I think it's time to repay me."

"Repay you?!"

"You wanted to be special, I added you to the wheel, now...that's easier said than done. I need a companion." Bill said smoothly.

"Let her go!" Mabel screamed.

Bill ignored her and examined her clothing. " about, what do Americans say these days..." He tapped his chin. "Oh! Lets be twinsies."

Bill snapped his fingers and gave Eleanor a female outfit of his.

"Stop!" I screamed. "She doesn't want this!"

Bill floated down. "It doesn't matter what she wants, it matters that she pays me back!" He smiled and showed his pointed teeth.

Bill made an eye-patch appear and put it on Eleanor.

Eleanor spluttered. "Di-Dipper, I'm so sorry, I should have never made a deal with Bill!"

Bill growled. "Save your apologies! You made a deal willingly! It's your fault! YOUR FAULT!"

Eleanor began to cry. "I don't want o be a soul sucking demon like you Bill! Let me go!"

Bill turned to her. "Oh, you've already been blessed, you need to feed of the energies of humans or you'll die! You have no choice!"

"Please Bill! Leave her alone!" I cried.

"No! It's funny Eleanor, you thought I liked you, you thought I was in love with you, you thought I was, it was all a sham." He faced us all. "And you gullible fools fell for everything."

Bill let Eleanor fall to the ground. "When you're hungry Eleanor, you come find me and I'll show you how to not starve yourself." Bill laughed manically and snapped his fingers and vanished.

I ran over to Eleanor. I couldn't believe this was happening...what has happened? I grabbed her arm and helped her up. "Eleanor..." I whispered.

Eleanor looked up at me, with that one uncovered eye. "Dipper." She sighed.

I flinched as I saw pointed teeth in her mouth. Eleanor's hair was flowing and waving as if she was in space with a gentle breeze. Eleanor stood up, but instead of standing firmly on the ground, she floated in the air. Eleanor examined herself, her eye wide with fear.

"Oh no...this can't be happening." She murmured. Tears formed into her eyes.

"Dipper...Bill said I'd starve...I need food." She whispered.

I nodded. "Um, what do you want?" My voice trembled. Eleanor was surrounded by a blue aura.

"You don't understand." Eleanor said lightly.


"I have to kill you."

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