Chapter 39

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I held my tounge. I wasn't going to criticize him. I was nervous for those 'plans' so I kept quiet.

It's not going to be that hard. Just got to limit contact with people as much as I can...

"Bill I-" I was going to apologize when I saw two figures racing through the forest.

"Ma-abel...Di-ipper..." My entire body felt like I jumped into a frozen lake. I could almost swear my heart beat could be heard from China. "BILL! HIDE! PLEASE!"

Bill tapped his chin. "Hm, Pine Tree and Shooting Star..." He murmured. "It'd be interesting to meet them in person for once..."

"BILL! We'll both be dead if you don't hide!" I screamed.

Mabel and Dipper grew closer.

I looked at Bill with begging eyes. "Please..."

Bill sighed. "Maybe..." He floated off and hid.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

Dipper and Mabel ran out of the forest.

"Ok Mabel we -" Dipper stopped when he saw me standing outside. "Eleanor? Why are you still out here?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Why do you keep coming back here?"

Dipper looked down.

Mabel stepped forward. "Dipper told me you needed help, and that's what we've come to do." She told me.

I was shivering with either fear or relief. Maybe both. "I-uh-I'm fine really." I stammered.

Dipper stormed forward. "Look, you are in big trouble for something. I am not gonna stand by and let you push me around with lies!" He shouted.

I flinched. "I'm not trying to be mean just..."

"You just don't appreciate us?" Mabel asked.

My bottom lip quivered. "No!" I was about to sob. "I'm sorry...I dont like keeping secrets..." I whispered.

Bill spoke into my mind. Aw, I guess I can end your little secret...

I shot my head up. "NO!" I screamed.

Both Mabel and Dipper leaned back surprised.

I'm getting impatient Arrow, here I go.

I whipped around as I looked for him. "Where are you..."

"Eleanor," Mable started. "Are you ok?"

"Of course she's ok!" said that familar voice.

I turned back around as tears formed in my eyes.

Bill walked up casually. "Hmhm. Well, I do hate secrets too." Bill said.

I stormed up to him angrily, ignoring Mabel and Dipper's confused looks. "Go. Away. You're ruining my life."

Bill laughed.

"Who's that?" Asked Dipper. He looked Bill up and down. He seemed confused and if he recognized Bill.

"I-uh..." I stared at Bill fearfully.

"Oh, my name is not important right now." Bill sighed.

"Well, besides your name then, who are you?" Mabel questioned.

"I'm...Eleanor's...friend." He said slowly.

I gave a tiny smile, but inside I was panicking.

Dipper still studied Bill. He definatly could recognize something.

Mabel stared at Bill confused. "Um...why were you spying on our conversation?" She asked slightly angry.

Bill gave her an innocent look. "Spying? Me? No, I simply heard my best friend in slight destress."

Mabel narrowed her eyes. Being twins, they had the same facial expression so they looked pretty similar.

Dipper glanced at me quickly. "Um, I would like to know your name." He said sternly.

"Dipper!" I whispered. I suddenly realized why he wanted to know Bill. He was jealous and afriaid I would like Bill. Ew... I could tell by the way he kept looking at me.

Bill smiled knowingly. "If you insist." He bowed down and stuck out his hand. "I'm Bill, nice to meet you."

Dipper's mouth dropped open and he started to breath hard. He backed away. I had never seen him so scared. "B-Bill..."

Mabel looked at Dipper then back at Bill. "It...can't be..." She said almost to low to hear.

Bill continued smiling. He knew they would react this way.

Dipper studied the ground. "How-how is this possible?!"

Bill stood back up and walked closer to Dipper who stared at Bill in fear and anger. "What's wrong?" He asked with a smirk.

I was trembling. Dipper knows...Dipper knows!

Dipper was still breathing hard. "It-its are..." Dippet trailed off and took a couple steps back.

Bill continued to smile. "I'm what?"

I stared at Dipper, anxiously awaiting his reply. He knows! He knows!

Dipper's scared expression became very angry. "YOU BILL! You're evil! You are a dream-demon! You tried to destroy Gruncle Stan's mind! You possessed my body! You-you did everything horrible that was possible to imagine!" Dipper was screaming now.

Mabel seemed terrified. She was frozen and couldn't speak.

Dipper turned to me. "Why are with him? Hu? Why?! I warned you! Now he's...alive! Now he's...human!"

Tears came down my face. "No! Dipper! I'm not he's forcing me!"

Dipper seemed on the verge of tears. He felt betrayed. "NO! Leave me alone! You destroyed us! I'm leaving!" Dipper stomped away while Mabel dragged her feet after him.

Mable turned around with a sad look that seemed to say. We could have been friends...

Dipper turned around quickly. "And I'll be back, Eleanor! I'm going to put an end to this. And what ever happened before this, it's over. Everythings over. We're done!" Dipper stormed off and disappeared.

I was bawlling now. "Look at what you've done Bill! You've ruined my life!" I screeched.

Bill leaned down with a cool look on his face. "I just completed your little 'mission', so you're welcome."

"Mission?" I echoed infuriated.

Bill made a check list appear in his hand. "Hm, lets see, Stop being friends with Dipper." He turned to me. "Check."

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