Chapter 30

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Today was the big day. The day I had been waiting for. The day Bill had been waiting for. The day I would complete what ever this random task was. I had almost completely forgot about the knowledge I had and that it had stopped bugging me so much.

I woke up bright and early and grabbed some cereal. I poured the milk in and quickly ate it up. Apparently my mom wasn't here either. The house was quiet and strange. I went to put the milk up when I spotted a note. It read.

I have gone out to find a part time job. I hope you are ok with being left alone. I will be home all day tomorrow and the day after that. Have a nice day sweety
- Mom

I jumped up and down in happiness. This day was meant to happen. I put up the milk up and rinsed out my bowl. I ran into my room to change and ran out to the forest.

The sun had barely peeked into the sky yet. I went to the gift shop to open the door.
It was locked. I growled in frustration. I ended up having to walk to a window. I tried to pry it open the window didn't budge.

I held my breath as I grabbed a rock. It felt heavy in my hands, but I threw it anyways.
The glass shattered.
I paused and listened to make sure no one had heard or seen me. Silence. I let out my breath. I climbed through carefully and plopped onto the floor. I tiptoed over the vending-machine and typed in the password slowly.

Air hissed out as it opened. I grabbed it and swung it open all the way. Before I closed the 'door' I peered around the gift shop. The coat was clear. I closed it.

I smiled as I walked leisurely down the stairs. I opened the elevator door and stepped in. All the thoughts in my mind were pushed aside to make room for the prediction of the near future.

It was strange, I myself didn't know what was going to happen. All I knew was that it would be great. The doors slid open. I walked out and grabbed the laptop. I cautiously walked up to the portal.

The portal was going nuts. It swirled around in blues and green and purples. The symbols on the side blared random colors, lighting up the whole room.

I swallowed and opened the laptop. I pulled up my section of work and continued my progress.

For some reason Bill was silent and didn't speak to me.

Is he mad at me? I wondered.
I continue typing.

Lighting shot off of the portal.

I jumped back in fear that I would get shocked. Sweat dripped off my face. Should I be doing this? Is this right? What's going to happen? I stalled in my typing, suddenly unsure of my motives. "No...I'm almost done. Don't quit now." I told myself.

I pulled up a diagram of the portal. This was probably going to be the hardest part. I was going to have to rotate the entire portal around to make it upright.

The light from the portal lit up my face, exploiting the fear on it.

I can do this...

I enlarged the diagram and made it project like a hologram. I tapped on it, modifying some things. Now came the tricky part.

A warning popped up by the hologram.

Warning: gravity may be effected in process of alteration

"Great. Just what I need." I muttered. I pushed the warning to the side and typed up the code. I stared at the enter button.

Should I do it? I thought.

I took a deep breath and pushed enter.

The entire world seemed to shake.

I dropped the laptop and I fell backwards. I screamed as everything started to float.

A giant metal groaning sound echoed everywhere. The lights of the portal started to go of control.

I look up at the portal and gasped.

The entire structure came forward and slowly started to turn.

I waved my arms and tried to keep balance. I had nothing to grab.

The laptop floated near by so I snatched it quickly. I tumbled around as I struggled to maintain balance.

All the metal creaked and groaned as it rotated around.
In all, it was quiet scary. The flashing light, noises, the zero gravity effect.

The portal was half way to its completing position.

Lightening shot out and a large wave of air shot me back.

I screamed as I was flung against a wall. I still clung to dear life on the laptop. It was the only solid object that I could hold.

Now the portal reached three quarters of the way.

Everything seemed to be being torn between gravity and no-gravity.

I stared at the portal with wide fearful eyes.


Everything started to get sucked forward.


I screamed in terror as the entire world seemed to be torn apart.



Everything turned white as if the entire world just exploded.

I couldn't hear, see, feel. Was I dead? I floated helplessly in the air. Then, gravity turned back. I fell down onto the ground.

The laptop barely survived.

I looked up at the portal.

The entire triangle thing was outlined with blue fire.

And I heard that laugh. That familiar laugh....

I don't know bout you but I LOOOVE this chapter!!! I certainly had fun writing it! I hope you do too! Also! Gotta love that sketch!
- iseykitty🐾

The Beginning: It All Starts Here (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora