Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes

Start from the beginning

Tenka: Doctor. Team CRDL's vileness of negativity over the Faunus weren't caused by your hand. But by their own TWISTED ARROGANCE AND HIS COMPANY OF FRIENDS!!

Tenka exclaimed, for Rachel and Mitchell to notice this.

Shadow: Hmmmm... looks back at the window

Tenka: I... I'm sorry. I know you wanted to try your best in helping them redeem themselves. And I apologise that I overstepped... I was just sharing my concerns after we saw what Team CRDL said about the Faunus, what he did to Velv. and what he did to Jaune...

Shadow: It is true that I want to help them accept the fact that the Faunus are here to co-exist, but that is up to them on whether they have the effort and the will to do so. Their hearts are at the right place but they are disarrayed by bad influence from outside the school's compound.

He said.

Then, he turned to look at Tenka and his two teammates making their way next to Tenka.

Shadow: While Team CRDL is not part of the White Fang Organisation,... I only pray that this Academy and myself will help change their mindset about the Faunus.

He finished.

Rachel: But.... will you be able to change their minds?

Rachel asks.

Shadow: Well, that all depends on their mindsets if they want to change or not. But rest assured, we shall not let them pick on you, Mitchell, Velvet and the other Faunus that are in this School. Including Jaune.

Mitchell: Aww... Thanks, Cap.

Rachel: Yeah.

Tenka: Well, I'm glad you're trying.

They said.

Shadow smiled at them, knowing that he has brightened their moods.

Then suddenly, his scroll rang, for Team STRM to hear this as Shadow fished his Scroll out. As soon as he fished it out, he turns his Scroll on to see that Ruby Rose is calling you.

Shadow: Ruby's calling me?

Mitchell: Well? Let's find out what she needs?

Shadow: Okay, Mitch. No need to rush.

He answers the phone as he got Ruby on the line.

Shadow: Hey, Ruby. What's up?

Ruby (By via Scroll): Shadow! You're a Doctor, right? 

Shadow: In-Training... so technically, yes??? Why?

Ruby (By via Scroll): It's Jaune!

Tenka: Why? What's wrong? CRDL?

Rachel: growls

Ruby (By via Scroll): No, it's not Team CRDL. It's something else. He's not waking up and Pyrrha said that his aura is weakening, slowly.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now