- Are you seeing this FAVES?! - Cara asked people watching her live - Isn't it amazing?!

Giant stopped, hearing commotion at his feet and looked down. He was so shocked, he took his hood off, to better see what was in front of him.

Giant had silver, medium-long, wavy hair and serene eyes. He had long scar on his left eye. Nevertheless, he was handsome.

Cara gasped.

- Look people! Isn't he charming? - she asked. Viewers sent multiple hearts, showing they agree with her.

- Who are you? - giant asked.

David spoke up, as he was a smooth talker:

- Hi. My name is David, second human is my sister Cara, dwarf is Gobrat, elf is Feyrith, orc is Silug and frogwoman is Trixie.

- My name is Connor - giant introduced himself - But what are doing here, far from your homes? - he asked.

- We came here to save the world from Devourer - frogwoman said.

- Oooh, that makes sense! I was actually pondering why are you together here, I know that your races hate each other - giant said.

- Yep! But, enemy of my enemy is my friend - elf added.

- And to fulfill prophecy we need to have a giant in our team! Congrats, you're in! - Cara said. Connor saddened a little at these words.

- I don't think I'm suitable for a warrior, you know - he murmured.

- But you're the only one alive! Oh, speaking, why are other giants turned into stone? - Gobrat asked.

- They lost their hope. They froze themselves into the stone, so when Devourer comes, they won't feel the painful death - Connor explained.

- What about you? - Silug asked.

- Hope is the mother of fools. Apparently, I'm a fool - giant smiled weakly.

- You see! It's sign you're the one to help us with our mission - Cara said.

- I dunno... I'll be more of a bother than helper. Other giants always told me that I suck - Connor said, revealing his insecurities.

- It'll be a great opportunity to show them that they're wrong! - Gobrat took the chance - Just think about it: when you come back to home as a hero who defeated the Devourer, no one will call you a loser or sucker ever again! - he added.

- You think so? - giant perked up.

- I know so! - dwarf replied.

Connor gnawed on his bottom lip. Stop being an oddball, it would be a dream come true!

- Fine, I guess I can give it a try - he said, causing great joy among rest of the team.

- But before we go, can I do one last thing? - he asked.

- Sure, go ahead - David replied.

Connor put his head on the instrument and began to play. Music was calm and sleepy, yet it gave small folks little creeps.

From the violin butterflies were coming out and then landing and melting on each statue, until giant stopped playing.

- Okay, I'm ready! - Connor exclaimed.

- What was that? - Trixie asked, astounded.

- I cast a protection spell, to prevent them from breaking while I'm gone - he explained. Team was dumbfounded.

- Shouldn't spells be like "Abracadabra" or something? - David asked.

- Magic comes in various forms. Some casts spells through speaking, others by cauldron, another with the help of a wand and I cast spells with my instrument - giant said.

- Earlier when you were playing... Were you casting a spell too? - Trixie asked.

- Yes. It was a spell to soothe their stirring, nervous souls - he explained. His violin then morphed into a guitar.

- There! We can go now! - giant exclaimed. Rest looked at him confused.

- Don't you want to pack necessary things for the journey? - Feyrith asked. Connor patted his guitar.

- This instrument here is more than enough. I still can't believe you gave up on magic, it's stupid - he said.

- Oh yeah? Can your magic do this? - Cara asked and started new livestream.

- Hi FAVES! Now our fellowship is complete! - she pointed her phone at the giant.

- Meet Connor, our last teammate! He's a giant with music magic and he's so charming, am I right? - she asked. People were commenting compliments towards Connor.

- Who are you talking to? Are there small people living in this box? - giant got curious and leaned in to see better. Girl eagerly was explaining to him how livestream works. Rest of the team softly smiled at the sight of giant being amused by a simple smartphone.

Team was finally completed. It was high time to start saving the world.

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