Omnipotent XXV

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This is troublesome. I just want to take over this god damn school. 

Luckily, I have  friends.

Sadly, I'm too good. I have a god complex unbeknownst to myself. On one hand, I am a god. On the other, I'm a average human. So, am I a god or just the worlds greatest liar? 

People often refer me as I god. I agree. But, others regard me as average. I also agree. One side knows I arrived from the pits of hells itself while the other side thinks of me as your average joe.

I say, why not be both?


Me:|This is Ayanakouji.|


Me:|Can you give me Kinoshita's number?|


Me:|She's a girl in your class|

Manabe:|Her? What about that bitch?|

Me:|It's related to the sports festival. If you can, give me her number.|

Manabe:|Fine, I'll ask someone. After I give you her number, I'm blocking you.|

Me:|Fine by me. Just give me her number. And, take care of your girls. Never know what could happen to them.|

Manabe:|Don't you dare talk about them. I swear.. you know what. This is pathetic, really. Why don't you just come to my class to talk to Kinoshita.|

Me:|Sure, give me a few minutes and I'll be down.|

Manabe has blocked your number.


She's troublesome. The good kind.



I slid the door to to right. It revealed a leaving Ryuen with his 'gang'.

"Ayanakouji kuku! I did not expect to see you come here. Of all places! Kuku, what brings you here today, monster? Are we going to spar once again? Or are you here just to laugh at me? If so, I'm ready to turn that laugh into a cry."

"Haha" I tried my best to imitate a laugh. It failed, horribly.

"Kuku, what was that? It sounded like a old man! That was hilarious kuku!" I looked to scan the room. It seems everyone is recalling a certain event. They seem to be at ease.

"Oh! Seems to me you want to talk with your so called classroom Kuku. Why not just give up on this class! You never did anything with it! Kuku, you said you're the new leader after all!"

"You're right. I should get rid of the pests. Right?"

"Kuku, yes. Why don't we take this outside?"

"No, I'm too busy"

"Kuku, you pussy. You built that all up. Just to crush it, kuku. That's what I like about you so much! It's golden."

"Sure. Can I go talk to my classmates now?"

"Kuku, of course. Have fun! Kuku"

With rythm, Ryuens 'gang' walked past me. I looked at a passing Ishizaki, he seemed to want to talk to me. He tried to talk to me but Albert shut him up. The both of them seemed to not want to annoy the dragon. Instead, they both lifted their hand to signal me bye. I nodded. 

Ibuki sent me a glare. With a blush? Anyway, I found my target.


"Hm, ya? Do I know you?"

"My name is Ayanakouji. It's nice to meet you"

OmnipotentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora