Omnipotent VII

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Today was a normal day in class nothing remarkable except the class agreeing to make study groups for the upcoming exams. There were 6 groups in total consisting of 30 people each group had 5 people in it.

I forced Kushida to teach the idiot trio I feel bad for her teaching those three, not really; Hirata asked me If I would like to teach some of my classmates I declined I have student council work to do as always.


"Ayanakoji do you want to have lunch with me?" That's weird coming from Horikita she probably needs something.

"That is unusual of you Horikita but sure I don't have any problem with that."

We made our way to the cafeteria we didn't talk while walking it was normal for this to happen.

"You can buy any meal I will pay for it." Now that's really strange Horikita would never do this unless there was a motive


"Really, are you just going to stand there, or do I need to order for you?"


I decided to go with the limited edition meal that came out not to long ago it was an American-style meal that would be accompanied with a milkshake, the milkshake is the main reason I bought the meal.

We found a table and sat down I was waiting for Horikita to start eating but she was just looking at me.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Uh ya"


"Now" She started to talk about something but I was not paying attention I was focusing to hard on the taste of this milkshake.

This shake is really good, I need more of this is good. I wonder how this is made.

"Are you even listening?" I felt her hand hit me as she flicked it to make me pay attention.

"Ow why did smack me that hurt you know"

"You weren't even listening to me, pay attention"

"Fine fine what were you talking about?"

"I was saying what do you think about the upcoming exams."

"They are not too bad I think mostly everyone will be able to pass the exam, everyone is studying after all. If you were talking about the questions that will be in the exam they won't be too hard pretty easy actually"

"How are you so sure that the questions on the exam will be easy?"

"It's fairly simple actually I just have to ask the second years and the third years about it."

"I see but how would you know that they wouldn't be lying to you or it was just a coincidence that the school gave similar tests?"

"For that, I just buy the information from the school, it was quite a lot of points but It was worth it"

"I guess that does work that is good to know, I won't have to worry now. What are you going to do about the study groups?"

"Me? I will be doing nothing it should be you Horikita you should be something" She now was glaring at me and ready to hit me

"Ayanakoji what do you mean by that?" She was using a stern tone that would scare people but not me

"I mean what I said, you have to change and adapt to those changes so that you will be up to the expectations your brother wants" I mentioned

her brother so that she is convinced and doesn't back down, I need her to do something, after all, you can't play chess without pawns. I mean you can but that would be rather difficult wouldn't it?

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